Walking the Plank Updates for the Month of March

Mar 31, 2009 16:08

The following stories and art have been uploaded to Walking the Plank, the Snape/Harry archive for the month of March.


The 25th of December by ObsidianEmbrace [Some Sex/Violence]
Summary: His Hogwarts' days behind him, Harry lives only to fufill the demands of the Prophecy. When a vague companion prophecy claims that death may come sooner than he thought, he is content to oblige. Not HBP/DH compliant.
Warnings: Character Death, Dark, Homocide/Murder, Hurt/Comfort, Suicide/Attempted Suicide, Violence Torture

Broaching New Territory by thesewarmstares [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: Severus knows what he wants; he’s just not very good at asking for it.
Warnings: Bloodplay/Breathplay, Crossdressing

Extra Lessons are Always Appreciated by QueenBoadicea [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: After a visit from an "incubus", Harry thinks about his potions lessons...and a certain Potions professor.
Warnings: Chan 16-18, Hogwarts Years, Object Penetration

In a Lather by RaeWhit [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: Lust denied --> lust multiplied.

Obsession Number Three by asnowyowl [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: Harry realizes he has an obsessive personality-but just what does he obsess about?
Warnings: Chan 16-18, Crack!, Hogwarts Years, Out of Character

Obsession Number Four by Book7BrokeMyBrain [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: Just what is Snape trying to hide under those robes?

Sacrifice by southern_witch [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: Harry feels that the only way to keep Snape from serving an undeserving stint in Azkaban is to go through a bonding ceremony with him, thus proving that if Harry Potter has enough faith in Severus Snape to marry him, the man can't be all that bad. How long will it take before the ruse turns real?

Worth It by theswarmstars [Explicit Sex/Vionence]
Summary: Some things are worth being a few minutes late.

You Are My Sunshine by tessisamess [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: Harry and Severus get through the aftermath of the war in their own way.
Warnings: Character Death, Hurt/Comfort


Living Doll Part 2 by Wotchertonks [No Sex/Violence]

Mine by Choose to Live [No Sex/Violence]

Slytherin is the Way to Go by angelstar333 [No Sex/Violence]
Warning: Crossdressing, Threesome

The Walking the Plank archive can be found at: http://www.walkingtheplank.org. Please don't forget to leave some love for the artist's/authors by leaving feedback!
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