Walking the Plank Updates for the Month of March

Apr 03, 2010 00:59

Walking the Plank Updates for the Month of March

The following stories and art have been uploaded to Walking the Plank, the Snape/Harry archive for the month of March.


Best Forgotten by Alley_B [Some Sex/Violence]
Summary: EWE, but otherwise canon compliant up to DH. It's several years after the war and the Dark Lord is defeated. Harry is suffering from a mental illness that makes him vulnerable, and Lucius Malfoy has a secret. A thought-dead Snape resurfaces to try to help Harry, but Snape has secrets of his own.
Warnings: Character Death, Dark, Homicide/Murder

A Convenient Marriage by Diana Williams [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: Sometimes a marriage of convenience can become so much more...
Warnings: Mpreg

Illumination by atypicalsnowman [Some Sex/Violence]
Summary: Years after the war, Severus believes he has settled for his relationship with Harry. In order to appreciate Harry for who he really is, Severus must let go of the past. All it takes is a moment.

The Magic of Trains by Leela [No Sex/Violence]
Summary: All trains have their own special kind of magic.

Sick by Imeden [Some Sex/Violence]
Summary: The dungeons are dry.

Snowed In by Leela [No Sex/Violence]
Summary: Severus hates being snowed in. Harry tries to change his mind.

Too Much of a Good Thing by Kohrin [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: Snape gives a rare opportunity for extra credit that Harry can't afford to turn down, but when Harry spills duplicating potion on a rather sensitive part of his anatomy, things get out of hand.
Warnings: Chan 16-18, Hogwarts Years, Rimming

A Touch of Color by Leela [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: "Tab A into Slot B. Sex hasn't changed since Merlin was a babe."
In which Severus learns that even ghosts can be surprised into believing there is hope for the future.
Warnings: Character Death: Snape/Harry


Blowjob in the Livingroom by Steampunk1850 [Explicit Sex/Violence]

Help for Round Two by Steampunk1850 [Explicit Sex/Violence]

Here I Am by Yu-chan [No Sex/Violence]

The Walking the Plank archive can be found at: http://www.walkingtheplank.org. Please don't forget to leave some love for the artist's/authors by leaving feedback!

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