Title: Winsome Wizards and Happily Harrily Ever Afters
Type: Fic
linlawlessRating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None.
(Highlight to View) Prompt: Snape has a small selection of health and beauty products he has developed over the years as favours for friends and colleagues. In need of some sort of occupation after his rehabilitation and realising how lucrative such things could be, he endeavours to expand the range before going about actively marketing them, and seeks out an unknowing test subject. What happens when Granger discovers his recent gifts and special attentions are because he finds her to be just a convenient guinea pig - or is she something more after all? (SS/HG)
Note: I didn't quite stick to the prompt, but I don't think I strayed too far.
Summary: Hermione has enough on her hands, discovering why the perfect toiletries and beauty products keep appearing on her desk. The last thing she needs is two best mates obsessed with Romance and Happily Ever After interfering!
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three