Title: The Halston Gown
Type: Fic
Prompter: Anonymous
prolurkBeta(s): canis domina
Rating: NC-17
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): For non-thematic sexually harassing and biphobic behavior/dialogue.
(Highlight to View) Prompt: One of them has finally decided to propose.
Summary: Ten years after the War, Hogwarts' new DADA Professor, who used to be
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Comments 50
All that said, I enjoyed the banter between characters, the ease of their relationships, Anthony's concern over the homophobic overtones of the prank (which mirrored mine), Luna, and the way Hermione and Severus interact (particularly with regard to his jealous tendencies, which are often overlooked in fic)-their established relationship resonates with me.
But what you do best of all, I feel, is weave your ensemble cast's lives together with an effortlessness that I don't often see, which draws me into your world quite strongly-so where is it? Link me!
I especially enjoyed all the little snippets of conversations throughout the story. At Madame Malkins: "What do you wear under that?" marveled the shop assistant.
"Perfume" said Mme Malkin.
Luna's observation about The Halston Gown : Hermione inspected the dress critically in the mirror. "It's a little short, I think. And can you bring up the vee?" She pulled the edges of the neckline over her scar.
"No" said Luna firmly.
"I know. You always want to keep that covered, but after all the speculation that you've left the Aurors because you're too delicate a flower to take the job, the sight of that is the only rebuttal you need."
But my favorite of all was Narcissa's: She leaned in to her husband. "When the time comes," she murmured in his ear, "remind me that this was the night I predicted that Severus has met his match." and Lucius' thoughts in regards to his wife's insights :.... he wondered what would have happened to Voldemort's ambitions if he'd listened to a different Black sister. Not for ( ... )
Biphobia is of particular concern to me, but it does exist and is sometimes represented in fiction. That is jarring when it doesn't mesh with one's personal characterization, but it does provide an opportunity for discussion. Please feel free to engage the author in a productive manner if you like.
They're speaking out, but perhaps others aren't because they're worried about the repercussions? Your reaction to a perfectly sensible request makes me think that they're concerns are valid.
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