It was so easy. Becoming attached was so easy. Detaching is hard. Feeling detached is easy, however.
I feel like my heart is a puzzle, and gradually this year the pieces have been lost. I have not had my whole heart for quite some time. I wonder if I ever will again..
My eyes hurt, like they have been bleeding. And I think I may be going blind sooner than i thought. It's cold, and I am still numb as a rock. The cold attacks my hands first, making them tingle, and I am amazed I can even feel it at all.
Shawn Storm works at the mall. If anyone knows who I am talking about, they will realize why this is shocking news. Why did I recognize him...
Sorry Shawn, for making you cry when you proposed to me with that ring in elementary school. But at least I was nice, when everyone else was an asshole.
I am pretty much numb I think. These highs and lows are not really highs and lows at all. I feel the same throughout. Hope involves giving a great deal of yourself away.
I feel like there is something wrong. Something in the pit of my stomach, that has not left me alone all day. It's something, it's there. What is it..just go away. Just leave me alone. Stop causing problems.