So I was bumming around in Chiado today, cutting class and minding my own business, when this hipster chick approached me, camera in hand, and asked to take my picture. Had it been a gross old dude I would have been creeped out, but because she was cute, I let her. Yes, I'm shallow like that.
Afterwards we got beers and sat there talking for a bit. She was there with a couple of friends from school - she's a Fashion major at this arts school here in Lisbon and her friends and her were doing a project, photographing people off the streets. She showed me the other pics she had on her memory card, all of young people. They were good.
She told me she really liked my picture and asked if I model. I might have spat my beer on her face when she said that (especially because I don't really like beer, but I was trying to impress the cute girl, of course). Apparently she's also a model scout. She said I should go in for an audition at her school. She called someone and told me to be there next Friday at 3.
So, ummm thanks? I had no idea what to say. xD I'm just so not model-looking, it's not even funny, but I guess they may be looking for girls that don't have that mainstream model look for an artsy-fartsy project. I spoke to one of my friends whose brother graduated from that school a few years ago (in Photography) and she tell me that yeah, they usually do that and just pick people off the street.
So now I have an audition. What should I do? I have no idea what I'm supposed to do/wear.
Also, I got her number. xD score.