2 YEARS AGO TODAY (May 3, 2004)
How old were you?
What grade year were you in?
two years to college graduation personage
Where did you go to school?
Salisbury University
Where did you work?
substitute teacher
Where did you live?
Salisbury for 4 monthes
How was your hair style?
the same wonderous mess it is now, cept with red/blonde highlights
Did you wear braces?
Did you wear glasses?
Who was your best friend?
it was a four way tie
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?
I was single and a real destructive force
Who was your celebrity crush?
I’m odd….Charlie Sheen and Fox Mulder (yes, Mulder the character; not Duchovny the actor that played the character)
Who was your regular-person crush?
it varied from week to week
How many tattoos did you have?
How many piercings did you have?
What was your favorite band/group/singer?
Goo Goo Dolls or possibly Wakefeild
What was your worst fear?
not passing pro-seminar
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?
yep to drunk. Nah to high
Had you driven yet?
for four years…and been driven crazy too!
Had you been to a real party yet?
mmm hmmm
Had your heart been broken?
it had been shattered for about a year and a half
How old are you?
What grade are you in?
first year graduate student
Where do you go to school?
still Salisbury
Where do you work?
hotel front desk
Where do you live?
still Salisbury
How is your hair style?
shoulder length goodness, most days tied up and out of my face ^_^
Do you have braces?
Do you wear glasses?
Who is your best friend?
its still a four way tie…but at least two are different people then two years back
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend?
-chuckles- what boyfriend?
Who is your celebrity crush?
still a big Mulder fan…
but i must concede that Jonny Depp is teh hott....
Who is your regular crush?
I find being asexual causes less problems.....
but I’m not to good at it
How many piercings do you have?
How many tattoos do you have?
What is your favorite singer/group/singer?
what ever comes on the radio that does not prompt me to immediately change the station
What is your biggest fear?
eternal lonlieness
Have you smoked a cigarette yet?
nope, and i don't intend to
Have you gotten drunk or high?
I really should finish off the zinf in my fridge...
Have you been to a real party?
Has your heart been broken?
well not recently…
what can i say... i don't change much. it's kind of like that line form les mis "nothing changes. nothing ever will"
yes the boredom of my existence astounds even me some times.