(no subject)

May 15, 2005 21:27

Thirteen random things you like:
01) michelle
02) jason
03) sleeping
04) weekends
05) dollar stores
06) old school tv
07) pictures
08) my birkenstocks
09) my dice necklace
10) thunderstorms
11) cookies
12) musica
13) my new parrot pajama pants

Twelve movies I love:
01) anythin adam sandler!!!
02) anything molly ringwald
03) the notebook
04) 10 things i hate about you
05) the butterfly effect
06) never been kissed
07) the little mermaid (+ all disney movies)
08) now & then
09) the sandlot
10) eurotrip
11) clueless
12) the incredibles

Eleven good bands/artists:
01) Anberlin
02) Billy Joel
03) Brand New
04) The Early November
05) Head Automatica
06) Mae
07) Matchbook Romance
08) Northstar
09) Park
10) Yes, Virginia
11) !!!!!SPICE GIRLS!!!!!

Ten good songs: from the artists listed above
01) Time & Confusion
02) Piano Man
03) Magazines & The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot
04) Something that Produces Results
05) King Caesar
06) Ready & Waiting to Fall
07) Lovers & Liars
08) Pollyanna
09) Conversations with Emily
10) The Lady is a Vamp

Nine things about you... physically:
01) green eyes
02) shoulder length hair w/ bangs (slowly fading back to blonde)
03) a little bit sun burnt
04) bit short nails
05) 5 foot 3 (sorta short)
06) pretty big boobs
07) chubby
08) 2 holes in each ear, cartlidge & belly button peirced
09) big cheecks.

Eight favorite foods/drinks:
01) orange juice =)
02) spagetti & meatsauceee
03) bagels
04) cake
05) shirley temples!
06) orbit & big red gum
07) careamel corn cakes (alliterationnnnn)
08) ritz crackers.

Seven things you wear daily:
01) my birthstone ring and my silver one
02) a bra
03) earrings
04) scottys necklace on my wrist
05) dice necklace
06) jasons pick and birthday bracelet
07) hair things.

Six things that annoy you:
01) my hair
02) my school
03) my parents
04) my sister jacklyn & her45 minute shower and "moisturizing." rawrbitch
05) the fact there are never socks to be found in my house. we get them in piles and then we have none. like literally none. we have to scavenge for a pair of fucking matching socks in this house
06) being wrong & losing. im way way too competative

Five things you touch everyday:
01) phone
02) ipod
03) keyboard
04) roxy
05) bed

Four shows you watch:
01) BOY MEETS WORLD (when it isnt on at impossible o'clock)
02) thats so raven (so sick of it, but its always on before i go to bed)
03) even stevens
04) ????no clue

Three celebrities that are cool:
01) adam sandler
02) molly ringwald (even though shes kind of lost herself)
03) julia roberts

Two people on lj that you have kissed:
01) jason
02) ...ben.

One person you could spend the rest of your life with:
01) michelle.

Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
1. money
2. new clothes
3. something to fucking do this summer
4. ...new family?

Name Four Scents You Love:
1. burberry brit
2. curve
3. i cant remember the name.
4. angel

Name Four People That Know You the Best:
1. michelle
2. jason
3. scott
4. ______

Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
1. spandex outfits
2. leather outfits
3. lots of lepord print
4. fur

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. i need to shower and pull myself together for school
2. i experienced so much drama.
3. i love jason craig cohen.
4. i need to talk to michelle

Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
1. work
2. eat
3. jasons
4. ralphs

Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
1. ralphs
2. jason and my dinner on friday
3. lunch at school friday
4. ???

Name Four Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like:
1. most oldies shit
2. 3rd grade pop music (spice girls, nsync, ect.)
3. billy joel
4. rap.

Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. orange juice
2. water
3. fruit punch
4. milk

First Grade Teacher's Name?
1. oh shit. maybe it was mrs serper?

Last Words You Said:
"okay, bye"

Last Song You Sang?
get it faster - jimmy eat world

Last Person You Hugged?
jason or lizzie?

Last Thing You Laughed At?
jason lizzie and jesse at ralphs prolli

Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It?
a few minutes ago =)<333

Last Time You Cried?
i teared today. i cried yesterday or friday

What's in your CD player?
ipod and itunes.

What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
white with strawberries!!

What's Under Your Bed?
an old headboard, random shit, boxes & yearbook?

What Time Did You Wake Up Today?

Current Taste?
nothing really

Current Hair?
up & curly from the humidity

Current Clothes?
heans and a green shirt. getting in the shower soon

Current Annoyance?
this and roxy just kept barking

Current Longing?
jason. i just saw him like an hour and 15 minutes ago.

Current Desktop Picture?
jason and i

Current Worry?

Current Hate?

Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex?
smile and eyes

Favorite Physical Feature Of The Same Sex?

Last CD You Bought?
not a clue. i could tell you off itunes but im tooooo lazy.

Last DVD you bought?
jason bought me spongebob like ...2 months ago.

Favorite Place To Be?
with friends or away for the summer

Least Favorite Place?
my house & school

Time You Wake Up In The Morning?
6:03 for school but i snooze till 6:20ish

If You Could Play An Instrument?
i tried to play the clarinet and then i wasnt so bad at the drums?

Favorite Color?
pink and green

Do You Believe In An Afterlife?
sometimes. i wont believe something if i cant back it up and then i fight with myself trying to back things up and trying to make sense of it. pretty sad.

How Tall Are You?

Current Favorite Word/Saying?
i used to have like a bigillion??

Favorite Season?

One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To:
my grandma, in a heartbeat.

Favorite Day?
friday & saturday.

Where would you like to go?
italy, france england or greece

What Is Your Career Going To Be Like?
i dont have a clue. yum

How Many Kids Do You Want?
3 or 4

Favorite Car?
jetta prolli

A Random Lyric: "so when you say forever, can't you see you've already captured me?"

i was mad crazy bored.
maybe ill update about shit later?

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