I sometimes wish I could be one of those quirky people who chirp out somethinkg like 'Announcement!' right before they say something and get away with being cute instead of the just annoying that the rest of us would be if we even attempted it. It probably helps to have a soft, high pitched voice so that you sound a bit like a human cricket. Also party poppers. They help everything (excluding bomb squads).
Someone mentioned recently that I haven't been updating often enough.
so here it is
Well, not much has happened since I last updated, hence the lack of updating.
There were some parties and christmases and a trip to the beach. No tattoos though.
I saw some movies, the one with penguins, the one with the dragon and the pitiful acting and movie with the rats and the toilet. Flushed or something.
My dads constant and methodical cycling of the communal cd collcetion has me currently reliving my tween years with the return of Hanson. Its amazing how terrible they are.
Oh, and on the 18th and 19th of January (Thursday and Friday) Dad and I went out and stared at McNaughts comet. It was very pretty, with a huge tail, and a small point of light about the size of a star at the bottom.
the end.
Gosh!! stay tuned for the next exciting installment!![/sarcasm (minus the comet. that really WAS exciting. To me anyway)]