In the same vein as the
ST XI Kink Meme, this Fanart Meme allows people to request, anonymously or not, any vids, photomanips, drawings, etc. involving Star Trek.
As fantastic as the Kink Meme (and the equally glorious
ST XI Gen Meme ) is, I thought perhaps there could be something similar for those of us more who are more visually inclined (Or who just, you know, want to see the Star Trek cast as Teletubbies or Ninja Turtles or Zombies or WHATEVER)
This is where people may post prompts for Star Trek fanart. Leave a prompt in the comments, and an artist just might reply with your request.
1. Comments, both prompts and replies may be anonymous, but don't have to be.
2. Of course, be respectful towards the prompts of others. Feel free to express your approval and support of requests, but keep the hate to yourself.
3. Same goes for replies to prompts. If someone makes something for your request, please thank them. Insults are unnecessary.
4. Fanart in this context refers to nearly anything that's not fic. Drawings, vids, photo-manipulations, whatever. Requests can be made either for whatever the responder prefers, or for a specific medium.
5. Requests and responses may contain adult content. You've been warned.
6. This meme is open to slash/het/femslash/gen/ridiculous-orgies/whatever-else-you-can-think-of. So don't be shy, and don't be shocked.
7. The prompts will (very likely) be primarily for Star Trek 2009, but they don't have to be! Feel free to request something relating to TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, ENT or anything in between. However, assume all prompts are ST2009 unless specified otherwise.
8. Crossovers, alternate universes, and madness of all kinds allowed and encouraged.
9. If you know of some piece of art posted elsewhere that fulfills a prompt, feel free to link to it in a reply to the request.
10. Multiple responses to a single request are quite welcome.
11. Spread the love, fuck the hate, and art it up!
Finally, I'm leaving open the option of posting any response artworks to the community. All prompts should still be left in the comments to this entry, but if you create something based on a prompt, and don't have any qualms with being not-anonymous, go ahead and post it for others to see. If you take this route, it would probably be best to link to the entry in a reply to the original comment.
If you do decide to post your creation, please us an lj-cut if the image is fairly large (use common sense) or contains any adult content.
I don't want to have too many rules, as I want this to be as much crazy fun as it can be. As long as everyone is smart and respectful, it shouldn't be a problem.
Have fun, everyone! <3!
EDIT: For anyone who missed
this post ,
wistfuljane has been fantastic enough to index
fulfilled and
unfulfilled requests. Thanks so much,
wistfuljane! I'm loving how much of a success this silly little comm has been so far, and I'm thrilled that people are jumping in to help. Keep it up guys! :D!