Title: Mind the Past Rating: R Characters/Pairings: Garak/Bashir Warnings: None Recipient: idanianspice Notes: Takes place roughly three years post-series finale. ( Mind the Past )
Oh my goodness, thank you, thank you Santa! I love the idea of an older Bashir and an older Garak, removed somewhat from the immediate horrors of the Dominion War. I was interested to know that Julian and Garak had a relationship prior to their meeting, and I too liked Julian's bluntness, which was a refreshing change from his constantly having to read between Garak's lines. Thank you so much, this was gorgeous!
I found your story after hunting for Garak/Bashir fic I hadn't read and just wanted to say I loved this story! You write fantastic dialogue! Which is very in character, considering that Bashir and Garak's relationship has always been about conversation. The verbal sparring here, particularly with Julian's refreshing honesty, is really in character and yet different enough that I can believe that they're ready to embrace a relationship that maybe didn't work as well when they were on Deep Space Nine. Really beautifully written!
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