"just give me some time to defrost"

Mar 09, 2004 17:42

the past THREE days have been hmmm, lets see, let me use a words that i picked up recently...so THE PAST THREE DAYS HAVE BEEN:
-off the heezy
-social hours
-kick ass

yeah whatever, you get my point. they've been really awesome.

sunday yup, nia came to church...spent my day finishing homework..frantically, and had the BEST time ever with 'my homies.' hahahahaha. asuka picked me up around 4:30 and then we picked up debbie...car rides are so much fun. it was off to macaronni grill. parking was so ridiculously hard to find so we parked in the parking structure by amc 20. haha--dorks. yup. nobody else was there yet but since debbie made reservations, we sat down and waited for everyone else. dinner was good...rigo and debbie drew the coolest 0-Genie. hahah. yup then we had a triple chocolate fudge brownie with double chocolate frosting on top. haha. after...rigo drove us back to our parking spot. i got to sit in the front. haha! we went to crema dolci to get some gelato/sorbet and visit tiana tiana. on the way there rigo and eric thought they were 2 fast 2 furious and it was hillarious. hung out with tiana until like 9, then made our way home. that was fun too because adam and val were driving in front of us..and asuka was trying to pass them because they were purposely going slow...but then chris was driving next to us. hahah. fun fun fun! debbie gave me cute slippers and they all bought me dinner and asuka gave me TIRAMISU. cool dude.

mondayschool-blah-whatever. LUNCH-left school, went to kim's, and left for irvine!!!! got there and met clarissa and andy and went to visit shatina at work...walked around a little..and then when we were getting back to the sierra (the dorms) a bunch of them were going to the beach and as soon as we got there they were like HURRY HURRY HURRY! YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES TO GET READY!! ahahah. i think it was jeremy and ivan. they were like in the room/living room/ practically bathroom telling us to hurry. so we rushed out and OH MY GOODNESS. we fit 10 people in a 5 people car!!! 3 in the front, 4 in the backseat with 1 laying across, and 2 in the trunk. oh my oh my. we finally made it to the beach after getting a little lost and i played in the water and climbed on the rocks. it was coolio. piled into heather's stationwagon and went home. and there was some crazy things going on. got home and...cleaned up then they were having a bbq downstairs for like 3 different halls. so i didn't have to eat 'dorm food.' haha. played singled out, CLARISSA WON! hahha and...then...clarissa had to go to choir rehearsal so i stayed back with shatina and kimber. we hung around then a bunch of us went to tapioca. shatina drove matt, kim, and myself. matt was really funnny...especially when he was all.. " my high school wasn't cool..because ... ummm. OH YEAH, it sucked," hahah. whatever maybe you had to be there. then...we came back after some good times at tapioca...and some story and joke telling. came back, watched people play video games, did some hw, and when clarissa came back we took a night tour of the campus like at 11 o clock! hahah. it was still cool though. then we came back and hung around until olike 2:30ish then i went to sleep. everyone was so fun and funny to hang out with! and there was some drama going around so it was interesting. hahah. they found out it was my birthday and wanted to go out and do something fun, but we didn't cuz it was late. everyone there reminded me of someone i know..like..this one guy danny reminded me of a cross between paul oh and tim kim. and this other girl reminded me of kiri...and yeah it was just good times and lots of adventures.

TUESDAY woke up around 8:30..took a shower...played on clarissa's computer...went to eat breakfast at the common place place place thing place. hahah and we went kinda late, so there was just cereal and stuff. yup, so ate, then went back and hung around the dorms. it was coolio. then ummm...we took some pictures and then...packed 8 people into jeremy's car again, and..went to check out at 12. but my mom wasn't coming till 3...so we got kim packed all 9 of us into the car, and HEADED FOR THE BEACH!!! again. hahah. it was funn funnn funnn hot hot hot. after we came back with...i forgot his name, but he's tall. and he was COLD so he turned on the HEATER!!!! while there were 10 people in his truck! so we opened some windows and...made it home safely without being pulled over for the final time. haha. we dodged those cops! hrm...came back, at lunch OUTSIDE because it was warm and a good idea. hahah. then we left. i didn't want to leave because i had SO SO SO SO SO SO SO much fun and freedom that it was like wow, do i have to go to h.s. still? and now i should be doing my hw. but i'm not.

but here's the shorter version:

-sun. went out with asuka, debbie, rigo, eric, [sorry i didn't finish earlier] val, adam, chris, and WE WENT to tiana. =0) macaronni grill-2fast2furious RIGO AND ERIC-crema dolci-home-tiramisu.
-mon. school-irvine-beach-tapioca-tour in the dark-stayed up till 2!
lessons of the day:
-college is like a pie...the whole pie is your social life..and the crumbs and everything else is just school.
-10 people can fit in a 5 people car.
-some people are way to smart for me.
college seems FUN FUN FUN!!!
-tues. my birthday. =0) eee! seventeen.
food food food
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