
Aug 30, 2004 18:21

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Comments 4

ska_momma September 3 2004, 21:38:07 UTC
If you make the same move, you see that selenium is killer!


reuven September 6 2004, 02:14:14 UTC
Long live the Revolution!
Down with our human oppressors!


staccato_signal September 6 2004, 05:06:24 UTC
dude, did you make the hot sauce?

i called you tonight -- a little bit past 10, when i got kicked out of the habifs. you didn't answer, but it occured to me that you must have been busy otherwise you'd would have been over too.
tomorrow, i'm comming over. to sample the hot sauce and to hurt myself my atempting to skateboard down your driveway. then we will go to murmur. oh wait. it's labor day. i think they're closed.


jeebo October 25 2004, 03:55:43 UTC
On a similar note...Francium + Energy= coolness
This is Greg btw and why are you logging my ip? :D


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