First things first…
I want to say thank you x 100000000 to the person who submitted this secret…
It was very very lovely and gave me lots of warm fuzzies :3
(And seriously, superb taste vis a vis the other two legacies… they’re two of my favourites as well) :)
And also thank you to the person who anonymously sent me the virtual glass heart on V-Day. It’s verrrry cute <3
So to both of those people…
Last time…
The family went to France and drank their weight in nectar, possibly the world’s shortest teen party was held, the pets got taken away by the social worker which I’m still mad about btw, and Aria was a grumpy bitch for most of the update.
Calypso: Hey, listen. I’ve just had possibly the most evil idea I’ve ever had in my whole life. Listen to this…
Aria: Evil? This is a new side to you. I like it.
Calypso: Okay, so this is the plan………..
Aria: *snort* That’s BRILLIANT.
Aria: Are you ready to do this? Huh? Huh?? Let’s DO THIS!
Calypso: Get in the cab.
Cab Driver: So what are you ladies up to tonight?
Calypso: Oh, y’know… we’re just two adults out doing adult things.
Aria: NOT breaking curfew. Hahaa. Ha.
Calypso: I’m going to the science labs to steal the biology test answers, you head to the principal’s office and we’ll meet back here. Got it?
Aria: Right. Just be careful, okay? I know you’re not used to trouble making like I am.
Calypso: …okay.
Aria: You took your time… how’d it go?
Calypso: Got what I went in for. It was too easy. You?
Aria: Me? Well, the principal caught me in his office with 50 rolls of toilet paper. I tried to distract him by starting a ‘single ply vs. double ply’ debate. It didn’t work so well.
So, while those two troublemakers were exercising their *cough* ‘evilness’, the other kids were doing this.
It’s like two different worlds.
The adults are back!
BOO I mean… yay?
Hunter: Nice to know we’ve been missed -___-
Pretty much as soon as she got in the door and had a go on the waterslide, Rue decided to have her birthday :(
Hunter: OH WOW YOU LOOK AMAZING *strained smile*
Hunter’s supposed to be exactly the same age as Rue but he somehow came back from the free vacation with an extra day of youth. Sneaky bastard.
She looks strange without her black eyebrows o_O
Still looks badass on her motorbike (which I had to buy again after her
f ake death ) though ;)
Does anyone remember
D edric? The rich kid Piper used to be friends with?
I wouldn't expect you to, he was in like two screenshots…
But anyway, he’s Calypso’s romantic interest :L
Calypso: So, prom’s tomorrow and neither of us have dates… wanna go together? And if you’re undecided, I’ll just remind you that I’m the genius who stole the biology test answers. Not that that’s important. But it’s pretty good evidence of the fact that I’m awesome.
Dedric: Sure, I’ll go with you… if you stay the fuck away from me the whole night.
Well that sounds like a good time for everyone involved.
Dedric: Thanks for letting me sleep over tonight, by the way. Really appreciate it.
Hunter: Aaaah, I love the feel of water on my balding head in the morning.
Hunter: What the devil’s going on here? My beautiful hair! It’s PINK.
And yet your sidies remain mysteriously black...
Riiight. Quite enough of that.
So prom eventually happened…
Rhapsody: Are they… are they driving off without us?
Piper: Why does this KEEP happening to me?
Rhapsody: No clue. What did you do to get kicked out last time?
Piper: Well I certainly didn’t drink too much complimentary nectar and puke all over the seats. No siree.
Rhapsody: Great. So what the hell are we meant to do now?
Rhapsody: Good thinking, Batman! Are you gonna unlock the passenger side door…?
Piper: Not likely. Laters!
Rhapsody: Goddammit.
Here’s a quick not so much summary of the happenings…
Piper’s ladyfriend was loitering around the school car park during the prom, which I found hilarious. Definitely planning on sneaking in round the back :L
-Piper was voted Prom King. again
-Someone was wearing the same tux as Piper. hate it when that happens
-Piper felt like taking out his aggression on a nerdy classmate. the nerd kicked Piper’s arse
-Jeremiah asked Aria to go steady. thought they already were but okay…
-Another student wanted to snatch the Prom Queen crown away from Aria. they’d better prepare themselves for a world of pain
-Aria impressed Jeremiah with the chicken dance. in other news, it was recently discovered that Jeremiah is very easily impressed
-Dedric asked Calypso to go steady. after all the fuss he made about keeping at arm’s length
-Dedric and Calypso had their first kiss. yeah that’s definitely not arm’s length
-Calypso and Dedric were the dynamic duo of the dance. uh really??
-Calypso and Dedric were the cutest couple at the dance. okay we get it they’re the greatest couple that ever was
-Rhapsody tore up the dancefloor multiple times. literally… she’s being charged for the damage
-Rhapsody marched right up to her crush and asked for a dance. Her crush walked the other way. I don’t know who they are but they’re clearly a moron
-Rhapsody was challenged to a dance battle, won, and then got into a fight. classy lady
-Someone stood on Rhapsody’s foot and the pair got into a fight. can’t say I blame her. that shit hurts
So what have we learned from this whole experience?
Dedric is clearly a big fat liar… or a complete psychopath. YOU DECIDE.
And this generation is a lot more violent than I originally thought…
Prom took precedence over Hunter’s birthday, so no cake for him.
At least his brother was there to celebrate with him. God knows where Rue was.
I tried to make him look more evil, but I think I’m fighting a losing battle.
So this is the face of the future Emperor of Evil, ladies and gentlemen.
At least there’s very little chance of him imprisoning the entire human race and creating a slave army.
Aria: Hi Dad! So, um… did you have a, um… nice shower this morning? *gigglesnort*
Hunter: Interesting you should mention that. I somehow ended up with hair rather more pink than I normally have. It was a surprise at first, but actually… I kind of miss it.
Aria: Oh. Great. So you didn’t… I don’t know… totally freak out and curse the person who left you to the mercy of the pink hair dye, reluctantly admitting that an excellent revenge had been achieved?
Hunter: Course not! What do you take me for, some crazy old fool who flips out at the tiniest thing?
Aria: Oh you’ll flip out. You’ll flip out when you feel the full effects of my wrath.
Hunter: What?
Aria: Nothing. Nothing at all.
These two are exactly like Rue and Xena were. They’re nemesises nemesis’ nemeses ENEMIES, but they constantly act like complete morons with each other.
Rhapsody: Why do I even live with these people?
Where in god’s name are you??
My head is suddenly filled with ideas of a brother-sister duo.
It will happen.
Rue: Now just remember, you don’t have to do this if you’re having second thoughts.
Piper: Mum, I want to.
Where could they be going?? *MYSTERY* as if you don’t know…
Liam: Oh, hey Rue. Been a while.
Rue: Well, yeah… I sorta despise you.
Liam: And who’s this?
Piper: HI DAD! :F
Liam: Oh yeah, my spawn from the night Rue heartlessly kicked me to the curb… and insulted my plaid shirt.
Liam: So I visited you all the time when you were a sprog…
Rue: *cough*
Liam: Oh right, forgot you were here.
Piper: It’s okay. I understand that you didn’t want to have a child. All that’s important is that I can get to know you now.
Rue: Well you guys have fun. I’ve got some missing mouthwash to find. Damn kids think I have all the time in the world to solve their menial problems.
Liam: So… um… I bet you like Plasma Juice?
Piper: I LOVE Plasma Juice! Actually, I have a funny story about that, I-
Liam: WOAH. One thing you should know about me. I don’t laugh. EVER.
Piper: That sounds… fun.
Liam: So no more funny. ‘Slightly entertaining’, I’ll stand for. I might even stretch to ‘amusing’. But ‘funny’… absolutely not.
Sooo to cut a long story short… the two of them chatted and Liam reacted negatively to every damn thing Piper said.
So naturally, Piper whacked him round the head with a pillow.
Piper: Woah, chill out! I’m just trying to bond with my father who never bothered to visit in sixteen years!
Liam: You take ONE MORE step outta line and I’ll call your mother to take you back home!
Calypso: Hey, you’re back! So, how’d it go with your dad then?
Piper: I’ll tell you how it went, Caly. Turns out my dad’s a complete and utter arsehole with no sense of humour. He doesn’t even like pillow fighting. WHO DOESN’T LIKE PILLOW FIGHTING??
Calypso: You want a hug?
Piper: PLEASE.
Calypso: You know what’d cheer you up?
Omg these two.
Meanwhile, Aria and Rhapsody are outside battering each other with the football.
This will never not be funny :’)
Aria: Are you TRYING to break my face??
Rhapsody: Whatever would make you think that? *HURRRRRRRR*
Nice normal family dinner then.
This is Hunter’s new work uniform.
I don’t need to tell you his new job title because he’s quite clearly a farmer who moonlights as a cat-burglar.
Lololol. Inconspicuous is his middle name, yo.
Rhapsody: LOSER.
Piper: What in god’s name are you doing?
I finally remembered to make over the boys. No more ugly hair! /PARTYYYY
Jeremiah is a cutie if I say so myself, which I do and I don’t even care.
Dedric: What the fuck did you do to me?
Oh shush, it’s a big improvement.
Also, I downloaded new freckles! Expect all new members of the family to be absolutely covered in them from this point on ;)
Rhapsody: Dude. You’ve been standing there for 4 hours now. Do you want anything?
Dedric: …………no.
Uh yeah. Dedders got a bit frozen and had to be… uhm… deleted.
Hopefully he still exists but I haven’t checked since.
Rue: I’m here to interview you for a case, but I must say that red glow surrounding you is somewhat distracting…
Moira: Oh yeah, that’s cos I’m the Emperor of Evil lolz.
If Hunter ever manages to get that job, will she do this every time she sees him??
Cos that’d be AWESOME.
So this is what Rue does when she’s meant to be solving a case.
No wonder she hasn’t been promoted since a billion years ago.
Rue: Nom nom potato.
I’m pretty sure you’re not meant to eat raw potato?
Rue: That’s absurd.
Rue bumped into Helena (
randuhh ) at the consignment store and it got me wondering what the other spares were up to.
So, prepare yourselves for a quick and probably boring spare update!
I didn’t have to look very far to find Peeta. He works in the consignment store harhar.
Peeta: Hey. This is an HONOURABLE profession.
Peeta: Woahh, you look so old and gross. Is that gonna happen to me??
Rue: Uh-huh. It comes for all of us.
Rue: But it’s not all bad… you can reminisce about the good old days until the cows come home, and no-one can do a damn thing about it!
Peeta: Ha, that does sound pretty fun.
This is Peeta and Helena’s son, Kip. He’s a young adult and in the science career.
They also have two other children…
Alexandra who is so adorable omg.
And their newborn son, Louie. Yes, he’s been left on the floor -_-
Haymitch next.
He works at the grocery store. Keep on reaching for the stars, dear.
His wife Hayley on the other hand, is pretty high up in the medical career.
They have a daughter called Leila who actually seems pretty cute, against all odds.
And finally, Finnick.
He’s a self-employed fisherman.
Married to one of Rue’s best friends and Liam’s sister, Alysia.
She’s level 9 in the medical career I think.
And they have a daughter named Luz (awesome name) who is also rather adorable.
I've just realised I forgot about Effie. It's cos she's just as boring as she ever was.
/end whatever that even was.
I really hate switching active households because in my experience, even if you leave the family for literally one sim-hour, something disastrous will have happened.
Actually, nothing too major happened for once. But I DO have a bone to pick with Piper.
He randomly ended up getting a job at the mausoleum.
Piper: I’ve found my calling! The dead are so interesting!
Hmm. But the real reason I’m mad is because the idiot split up with his gorgeous girlfriend.
Piper: Yeeeah. That may have been a bad move.
No. NO.
What the fuck is THIS??
Hunter: Oh yeah, I’m an evil sidekick now!
Are you sure your work mates aren’t just taking the piss? Because… well just look at yourself.
Hunter: As if they would do that. They may be criminals, but they would never be that cruel.
If you say so.
Rue retired!
Well now you can! Hoorah!
Awkwardly, the only person who didn’t come running to celebrate was Hunter.
Too busy trying to steal his sister’s job obviously.
I’ll end the update with Piper’s birthday.
I decided to make an effort for once and throw a decent party for him.
At least Jeremiah appreciates my hard work :)
I spy an arsehole vampire in the background!
At least he actually showed up for his son’s 18th birthday.
Red sparklies and bats?? That is SO COOL.
Easily impressed? Me??
Goddammit he still has the sneaking glitch D:
But my goodness, would you look at him?!
That has to be the most attractive purple haired vampire I’ve ever seen. Srs.
(He gained the nurturing trait btw)
So, at this point, my game went a little bit mental.
There was a moment when I was seriously worried the family would be completely lost.
But everything seems to be okay now (touch all the wood in the vicinity) and I’ve created about a thousand back-ups because I’m paranoid like that.
Anyway, one good thing to come out of this is PIPER NO LONGER HAS THE SNEAKING GLITCH. HUZZAH!
Next time there will quite possibly be an heir poll… maybe.
And other things will happen, hopefully including Piper and his ex-girlfriend getting back together because seriously I need them to have babies like now plz.
Thank you muchly for reading!