My darling cat keeps insisting on sleeping pressed up against my laptop and blocking the fan and it keeps overheating and GAH /rant over
I will warn you now that this update is a bit completely insane.
I read it back and was like what the hell is even going on here??
So yeah, it’s a bit disjointed and strange. Just go with it ‘kay? ;)
Last time…
Several things happened. Only some of which I can remember right now.
Prom? Birthdays?
Rue ate a potato?
Right. Good.
Let’s go…
It’s taken me this long to realise that the maid is called… wait for it… Dedrick.
Like rich kid Dedric. But with a K.
EA clearly really likes that name.
Oh yeah, small thing. Dedric (rich kid not maid) is unfortunately lost to the world.
Lucky no-one actually cared about him amirite??...... except maybe
uselaforce ;)
Aria: These pancakes should be fine in here while I go to school, right?
Hmm. Yeah, you’re pretty much the worst neurotic sim ever.
Aria: Hahaha ikr? Byeeee!
Fuck you, Aria. Fuck you.
And SMOKE ALARM! Might I ask what you’re doing? I’ll tell you what: NOT WHAT YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING I.E ACTUALLY WORKING.
Cowardly sim fighting a fire? Should be okay. As long as she doesn’t, y’know, pass out and die a horrible fiery death…
Rue: And now, against all my better instincts, I will aim the nozzle directly at my eye. NOTHING CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG.
It obviously did go very wrong; I just didn’t get a screenshot. Too busy pointing and laughing maybe, I don’t know.
Rue: Just let the professional do her job, dear.
There’s always someone who insists on doing their homework while Aria and Jeremiah are having a romantic moment.
Rhapsody: Square root of 164 guys? Guys?
Aria: Just ignore her and she’ll go away.
Rhapsody: Not likely, we’ve got 28 more questions to get through yet…
What are you doing?
Hunter: Just taking a gentlemanly stroll with my new gentlemanly cane.
Mhmm. And where are you strolling to?
Piper’s graduating!
This is his graduation face.
You love it, right?
Well OKAY then.
He was voted ‘most likely to motive fail’. Ha.
After arriving back at the house, a notification for a free vacation came up SO you can guess what happened.
Not to worry, the history of teen parties in this legacy has been average at best. You’re probably not missing out on anything.
And true to form, the only exciting vaguely interesting thing that happened was that Jeremiah danced with pretty much everyone except Aria, his GIRLFRIEND.
Anywhoo, fast forward a few days and the triplets are taking their first step into adult life.
I don’t like to brag, but the party was AWESOME.
That awkward moment when there’s only enough money for one cake.
So. Much. Noise.
Rhapsody rolled the genius trait.
Aria rolled good. Hahaha what.
And Calypso rolled vehicle enthusiast, which I’ve never had before.
Aaand then Hunter sat and stared at his plate for a good hour and a half.
First thing you do when you turn 18?
Is anyone even surprised that Aria’s the only one frowning?
Aria: This is bullshit. Who says I even want to graduate anyway??
Aria was voted ‘most likely to be a sports star’ and also got valedictorian.
Caly was voted ‘most likely to hack the military facility’.
That’d be pretty cool, I’m not gonna lie.
Rhapsody was voted ‘most likely to take over the world’.
Takes after her father then.
This apparently constitutes a hotspot in Appaloosa Plains.
Jeremiah came over and I aged him up so he and Aria could be cute together.
And speaking of being cute together, I’m determined to get Piper back with his ex-girlfriend, who is called Maisy by the way. Don’t think I’ve mentioned that.
No need to look so scared, dear.
It’s not like I’m gonna force you to produce a bus load of pretty babies.
Click to view
That’s right… take the flowers… fall in love with him again. Quickly.
The living room is a hotbed of romantic activity today.
Even if Aria’s having a bit of a failathon with Jeremiah.
I don’t even care about that right now because LOOK.
They luuuurve each other <3
Also, this is Maisy’s ‘I’m being serenaded’ face.
I feel like I shouldn’t mention this, but OH WELL.
So, before Piper and Maisy got all loved up again, turns out Maisy had started a relationship with someone else…
So now you know, just ERASE IT FROM YOUR MIND.
(I told you it would be happening)
RHAPSODY IN PURPLEHahaha I’m so witty. Shame it’s not Rhapsody in the band instead of Caly, that would have been perfect.
Hunter’s one step away from becoming the master of the world or whatever the hell it is.
He’s now a SUPER VILLAIN and has a much more sensible uniform thank god.
There’s really no reason for this.
I just needed a screenshot for the teaser pic. Yup.
I randomly found Piper out by the movie theatre being flirted with by this girl. Just to reiterate: SHE flirted with HIM.
Randomer: So, you’re pretty hot for a vamp.
Piper: Hurhur, you’re cute too :3
Randomer: Dude, wtf? I’ll have you know I have a BOYFRIEND. I’m so sick of guys thinking they can just take advantage.
Piper: See, this right here is why I avoid girls. Because you’re all clearly insane.
In the bathroom yay
I realise I’m spending a disproportionate amount of time on these two but I JUST LOVE THEM OKAY.
Seriously. Love.
I think Rhapsody is the first Sim I’ve had who actually looks reasonably calm when using the bench press work out machine thingy.
Rhapsody: Ahhh zen.
Oh look at that, I spoke too soon.
Here’s Hunter playing chess by himself. Idk why.
Calypso is completely obsessed with her guitar. She gets up in the morning and this is the first thing she does. Which is a very good thing considering her LTW is Master of the Arts.
Aria, on the other hand, drops EVERYTHING (including showering/eating/sleeping) to run and listen to the guitar.
Doesn’t even look like she’s enjoying it.
She also spends her time harassing racoons who definitely do not want to be petted.
Ever wondered what goes on in a racoon’s head?
Well now you know. DAY SPA.
Racoon: Gonna get me a pedicure bitches.
Rhapsody and Hunter still hate each other with the rage of a thousand burning suns, in case you were wondering.
Hunter is abusing his cane privileges by harassing family members. Most recently, his loving wife.
Hunter: Well really, if you buy me a cane, what do you expect me to do with it??
This is the car Hunter goes to work in.
It looks more evil than he does. Not a hard thing to achieve, but still.
I love the fact it takes vampires about an hour to max out skills.
Piper’s well on his way to becoming a one man band at this rate.
And yes, I coloured all their instruments purple. If you have a theme, you may as well run with it abuse the shit out of it.
Oh yah, Rhapsody’s a gardener now. She kept rolling the wish to join the career and I couldn’t be bothered to keep cancelling it. Right clicking is hard guise
And finally, let’s bring this poor excuse for an update to an end with Hunter achieving his LTW.
I feel I should apologise for that mess of an update.
I realised all too late that I probably should’ve done an heir poll last update, and had to kinda scramble to put another update together without a huge amount of pictures.
Hence why this was so short. And just not very good overall.
heir poll is up now so it would be lovely if you could go and vote! :3
The next update will be infinitely better. Or infinitely worse.
So… look forward to that then.