I'm taking out his SN *fyi*
LiLStace5: dad i have a very important question for you
dad: go for it
LiLStace5: do you remember back in high school when you took something of mine?
dad: mmmm
dad: ohhhh...that
LiLStace5: a decorative piece of glass
dad: or what went in it?
LiLStace5: i'm talking about the glass
dad: pipe
LiLStace5: correct...now honestly....do you still have it?
dad: I think so....I have to look
dad: I don't recall throwing it out
LiLStace5: cause i mean..i could spend another 40 dollars on a new one but if i could have mine back then that would save me a great deal
dad: I don;t think I wopuld have done that
LiLStace5: i mean...you gave josh your bong...so i can have my pipe back right?
dad: I thought you don't do that anymore
dad: but then what am I suppose to use:-D
LiLStace5: well it would be convenient if i were to
LiLStace5: haha oh dad...i love ya
dad: If I have it .....you cn have it back....
dad: call me at home tonight...I'll see if it is still where I put it
dad: if I remember where I put it
LiLStace5: you are the greatest
dad: not really.......a bad example