Aug 20, 2010 17:17

Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab releases limited edition Dawn scents at Dragon*Con

Four new scents based on popular Joseph Michael Linsner comics to benefit Hero Initiative

August 20, 2010 Los Angeles, CA- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) is proud to present limited edition scents based on the groundbreaking comic book series Dawn by Joseph Michael Linsner. Three volumes of the series are currently available in graphic novel form from Image Comics.

These four scents, Dawn: Maiden, Dawn: Mother, Dawn: Crone and Cernunnos, will debut at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, GA. from Sep. 3-6, 2010. They will be available at $25, at the Hero Initiative booth, BT-20, and the Linsner booth, BT-18 and 19 in the Grand Hall East of the Hyatt Regency. They will also be available starting Tuesday, Sep. 7 at www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com./dawn.html

Proceeds from every bottle sold go to the Hero Initiative, the first federally recognized not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping comic book writers and artists in need. The 501(c)(3) charity assists comic creators with health, medical, and quality-of-life assistance.

Joseph Michael Linsner will be on hand at Dragon*Con, which also hosts The Dawn Look-a-Like Contest, which will be held this year on Saturday, September 4 at 8 p.m.

Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab is a cult perfume house that crafts hand-blended body and household scents. They have over two decades of experience in the field, and specialize in eliciting emotional responses through perfume while creating unique scent environments that capture legends and folklore, poetry, and the stuff of dreams and nightmares.

The scents will go on sale at the Dragon*Con Comics and Pop Art Reception Exclusives Release Party on Friday September 3 at 8:30 p.m. at Regency V in the Atlanta Hyatt Regency.

"I'm proud to help support the Hero Initiative again, as the idea that supporting creators in times of need helps support the medium I love,” said Joseph Michael Linsner. “Hero is my favorite charity. To top off that helping hand with a few beautiful scents inspired by my Goddess, Dawn-and her lover, Cernunnos-at the Dawn-i-est convention going, Dragon*Con, is amazing."

Dragon*Con will be held September 3-6, 2010 in Atlanta, GA. For more information, please go to: http://www.dragoncon.org

For more info or to reprint this press release, please contact:

Kathy Flynn, (818) 506-9404, Fax: (818) 506-9402
Email: wickedgoddess@blackphoenixalchemylab.com

Christina Zietsman, 626-676-6354


And, here's a nifty picture of m'self w/ Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, from the C2E2 show, and here is Kathy Flynn of BPAL, who goes by "wickedgoddess" on Twitter, & me. That was taken @ CCI/San Diego Comic Con. We have been planning and scheming..

dawn, dragon*con

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