I have my
Rey post up, but here's an update on my older girls!
Kitty Pryde | Marvel (616) | Townie | PB: Phoebe Tonkin |
throughaphase-23 years old in a couple weeks.
-5'6", 110 pounds, with brown hair and hazel eyes, and tends to be a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl most of the time.
-Currently on leave from the X-Men. Yes, again.
-A mutant whose power is intangibility, meaning she can phase through solid objects, among other things. Your physics mean nothing to her. (Not really.) The mutant thing's not a secret, and she has no problem saying hi by literally sticking her head through your door.
-Is getting married to
so_hawkward in the spring!
-Computer genius/ballerina/ninja with a purple space dragon.
-Is going to be teaching this semester.
-Also runs Caritas and has Tuesday night shifts. If you want a shift, email me!
Gwen Stacy | Ultimate Spider-Man | Senior | PB: Emma Stone |
stacyexperiment-17 years old.
-5'5", with blonde hair and bangs, and blue eyes. Tends to wear either Hot Topic level Goth punk clothes, or shows off a lot of midriff. Has an eyebrow ring and a bellybutton piercing.
-Got killed by Carnage before she came to Fandom, and was essentially revived as a clone with memories of her former life and no memory of dying.
-Bff of Peter Parker, who recently died.
-Still lives with Aunt May when she's not in Fandom. Her dad died and her mom's a deadbeat, and Aunt May is awesome.
-Student Council rep.
-Gets signed up for things by squirrels. See above.
Jaina Solo Fel | Star Wars (Legends) | Alumni| PB: Sophia Bush |
solo-sword-From Star Wars, the Expanded Universe. Granddaughter of
sith-happened, niece of
tatooine-doofus, daughter of
likescoundrels, cousin of
momslilassassin, great-grandmother of
notconflicted, some sort of relative of
makemyownway and former timeline buddy of
-Graduate of Fandom High Class of '10, who went off to a couple time-sped canon catchups.
-Lives back home in a galaxy far, far away, and I have to make up canon now.
-Is 35 years old.
-5'1" and tiny, with brown eyes and brown hair. But apparently built like she should be on a Wheaties box.
-Jedi Master, with telekinesis, empathy, danger sense, enhanced reflexes, etc.
-Total, total badass, and probably can't get her ass kicked by most people
-Recently married Jagged Fel. Who's not leading half a galaxy anymore.
Marasiah Fel | Star Wars (Legacy) | Alumni| PB: Lyndsy Fonseca |
notconflicted-From Star Wars: Legacy, a comic series taking place like a hundred years after the movies, and she should be getting into canon very soon..
-18 years old.
-Graduate of Fandom High's Class of '15.
-5'6" with brown eyes and long brown hair with a white streak at the front despite the icons.
-Introduces herself with her full name usually, but doesn't mind if you just call her Sia.
-Is a princess over in the Empire who's been living in exile for the last seven years after the Sith took over. She tries to keep this as quiet as possible due to that threat of torture and death by Sith and having so many people from her galaxy around. I'm totally open to people finding out, though it might make her even cagier.
-Generally her background means while she has the princess tude, she's smart and capable and totally willing to get her hands dirty.
-Is an Imperial Knight, which means she has the same powers as a Jedi, but if you call her a Jedi, she'll correct you.
Jaye Tyler | Wonderfalls | Alumni| PB: Caroline Dhavernas |
fates-jaye-From Wonderfalls, that show from a few years back that Fox killed because they suck.
-Graduate of Fandom High Class of '08, good lord
-25 years old. Seriously she was SIXTEEN when she started at the beginning of the game.
-Is sort of hitting canon! Sort of!
-5'3", with long brown hair and blue eyes, and the best facial expressions ever. Someone on AVC said Caroline Dhavernas is why god made faces and I believe it.
-Inanimate animals, called muses, talk to her and tell her to do things that end up helping people. I mod them, no one else can hear them or see them move, and if you need an easy plot device to make something happen, Jaye can be your girl.
-Of course she might be crazy. Canon never got to outright say whether she's insane or not, so I don't say it either.
-Has some of the strangest conversations ever and I take no responsibility for it.
Natalie | Player
-Recently relocated to Chicago, where I grew up, but I will still say I'm from LA.
-Green juice drinking, cold weather hating, self-rescuing princess.
-I have seen TFA in the theaters five times now. This feels low.
-I also had at least three people either ask when I was going to app Rey, or just straight up expected that I apped, and that's the biggest compliment I've ever had.
-I just started a new job, and my life's been 10x crazier than it was when I lived in LA, but I think I'm getting better at a RL/FH balance. At the very least if you ask for a scene I will find a way to make it work.