
Apr 17, 2007 00:17

the roof is blackened by the perpetual spirals of smoke that drift lazily towards the rafters, accompanied by a low murmur whispering secrets kept. time passes here much the same as anywhere though i think its the sky or maybe the light that makes it feel the way it does ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

psy_ren April 17 2007, 00:41:53 UTC
I find your entries very pleasant to read.

I could pass you in the street with no idea of who you are...but you seem very grounded and centered. Rare and positive attributes.


stae April 17 2007, 12:35:25 UTC
I'm glad you like them, or find them pleasant at least. We have passed each other before at garden city, though you were with your boyfriend and it seemed a bit odd for me to just up and say hi so i left it.

But yeah i try to stay objective as i think the whole ego bit gets in the way of a lot of common sense.

so yes thank you for your comments :)


draevon April 18 2007, 11:21:40 UTC
Do you string these together while my taxes are paying your salary?


stae April 18 2007, 13:36:44 UTC
well you see my taxes also pay for my wage so i in effect have poetic license to wax philosophical on my work time.

but no this was thought of whilst waiting for a bus.


draevon April 18 2007, 21:43:43 UTC
But you don't pay all your wage in tax ... so it's like a decaying half-life cycle of self sufficiency (or a 35%-life cycle). Unless it's you, the person in the cubicle next to you, and 20% of the next person over paying your wage, and those other two people just drawing it from the general public I guess.


stae April 18 2007, 22:10:14 UTC
well um you don't pay all your wage in tax either so... but for arguments sake lets just say i pay 30% of it so that 30% is all about me. with your efficiency training surely you should be able to do me a chart of how i could do even less work.


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