Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG
Theme: Bodyswap
All parts
"I was wrong," Dean said, except that it was in Jimmy's voice. "This is ridiculous."
Castiel found himself, for the second time, feeling rather alone. Sam's body didn't fit him at all, all big hands and big feet and height and an ache in his back. He extended his powers, assauging the ache a little, and tried to stand up straight. Dean's body looked strange, too, and Castiel supposed that Sam was finding it rather like a coat that was a couple of sizes too small. He'd once felt the same about all human bodies.
"Is there anything that doesn't happen to us?" Sam asked, except it was in Dean's voice and it came out all wrong. He coughed, looking startled.
"I believe not," Castiel said, in Sam's voice, and at least he was used to hearing a stranger's voice instead of his own.
"Hey," Dean said, suddenly sly, "hey, Cas."
"Don't even go there," Sam said, and he made Dean's cheeks actually flush, which Castiel had never seen. "Castiel, just -- ignore him."
"What is it, Dean?"
"Does he -- " and Dean gestured vaguely in the direction of Sam's body's crotch.
Castiel was reasonably sure he'd provoked a blush in that body's cheeks. "Dean!"
"I told you," Sam said.
"Jimmy's not doing bad," Dean said.
"Let's just get this fixed," Sam said, wearily.