Title: Too orange
Author/Artist: tyreling
Theme: #11 Five public places, park
Rating: overall PG
Author's Notes (if applicable): m-my first time writing for this fandom. Only borrowing them for this story.
Yixing is Lay’s real name. And this ficlet is unbeta'ed.
Kris remembered meeting Yixing in autumn. Red, gold and orange-brown leaves had fluttered from the branches, littering the pavement and the benches of the park Kris was asked to meet up. At that time Yixing’s arm had been in a sling, the result of a fight for a friend of a friend, Lu Han, Kris happened to be acquainted with. Kris did not know the details other than hearing Lu Han fussing, “Yixing, you idiot, fractured bones…” It must have been a real nasty fight from the looks of those dark bruises marring Yixing’s pale face.
Yixing had only smiled in response, the skin of his right cheek indenting deeply. The smile should not have been attractive considering the state Yixing was in. But Kris’s throat went unexpectedly dry. In his mind, he was convincing himself that it was because he was thirsty, autumn days were dry, and his allergies must be acting up.
Or maybe the park was too orange for his eyes; the leaves were really heaping up nicely around the area anyway-blurring his distinction between colors from dark purple to romantic sepia of the skin. Yixing dimpled at him during their brief introduction. It was enough for Kris to consider getting his eyes checked.