Title: Rushes In 1/5
Author: Luce Red
Series: Hikaru no Go
Disclaimer: Characters are the creation of Hotta and Obata
Theme: Atttraction
Type/notes: Drabble. Buduk is the Korean name for Go.
"You’re learning Japanese?" The stranger looked furious. "Why?"
He could not answer 'Shindou Hikaru' so he snapped, "What is it to you?"
"You’re a Korean baduk player. You-" the stranger paused. "You’re a new pro, aren’t you?"
He took in the sight of the well-known face, with the longish hair framing sensitive-looking eyes, and felt his hands starting to tremble with the urge not to touch. "Yes. My name is Hon Su-yon. And you are-" he said, though he knew.
The stranger took both his hands, and gently pressed the missing textbook into them. "I’m Ko Yong-ha," he said impatiently.