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Dec 25, 2020 23:36

Player: Styx || anesidorian
E-mail: simplyemail12@gmail.com
AIM: anesidorian

Alternatively, you can leave me a line here if you feel the need to contact me for crit or any other purposes. Anon commenting is on, IP logging off! Comments aren't screened but if you want me to screen them feel free to ask! ♥


CHARACTER NAME: Asmodeus of Lust
CHARACTER SERIES: Umineko no Naku Koro Ni


Backtagging: Yes pleaes!
Threadhopping: Of course!
Fourthwalling: Recognizing her is okay, but no telling her she's fictional please?
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm pretty open and I'll tell you if you cross a line so :|b


Hugging this character: Go ahead! She's likely to initiate them
Kissing this character: Again go ahead, she's also likely to initiate here too
Flirting with this character: By all means, pleeeeease. ONCE AGAIN, she is likely to initiate.
Fighting with this character: Ping me first so we can plan things out, but I'm okay with fights! Asmo is built to fight, after all.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Once again ping me first, but I am a-okay with injuries.
Killing this character: Moot on route_29, but I'd say no anyway
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Once again moot on Route but suuure?

Warnings: She may poootentially bring up sexual themes and violence? Nothing above PG-13, that's for sure, but I'll put that warning here just in case.

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