The weather has been absolutely wonderful lately and it puts me in such a good mood! Ive been soo happy lately and everything is exactly how I want it to be =] Last weekend was very cute, I love my friends. NO MORE DRAMA, gah is this actually real? no one is being overly-dramatic and everyone is minding their own business, YAY. My new shoes from urban came in yesterday and they are so adorable. My mom got me a new scarf yesterday and it is heaven on earth I tell ya. I really want to see that new movie Jarhead but I will have to wait because I'm going to see SAW2 friday!! I'm excited, I liked the first one although the acting was terrible near the end. Oh well, new producer, better movie I suppose. Halloween on monday was pretty cute,I dressed up as Jackie-O! and the girls and some guys came over to my dads and we went to a party across the street and we all had a good time, then around 9 we went to the bigscreen and watched the new Laguna Beach and they stayed the night. Me and Brooke are talking about what we're going to get each other for Christmas (is it almost december ALREADY?) AH! where did the year go? Well this was a shitty update but oh well.
When a chimpanzee started behaving in a uniquely human way, zookeepers knew they had a problem on their hands. Charley, the smoking chimp picked smoking cigarettes after he picked up a pack of cigarettes thrown to him by the allegedly smarter humans who come to see him at a South African zoo.
"Charley's picked up the habit from watching people. He learns from mimicry," Daryl Barnes of the Bloemfontein Zoo told CBS News Correspondent Richard Schlesinger.
Adults should know better than to encourage smoking - children certainly do.
"Do you think it's a good thing that people give the monkey cigarettes?" Schlesinger asked one little girl.
"No," she replied.
"What will happen?
"They will get sick."
Everybody gets a laugh watching Charley smoke, like a hairy scary star of an old tough guy film. But the people who care for him and care about him are not amused. Zookeepers have asked people to stop offering Charley cigarettes.
"He's getting older," said zookeeper Barnes. "And as he gets older, if he smokes, it'll damage his lungs."
But Charley is addicted to cigarettes.
And, according to the zoo, "he acts like a naughty schoolboy" and hides his cigarettes when his handlers happen by. So now the zoo has to help a monkey go cold turkey - resist the temptations of humans - and get him to understand that "monkey see, monkey do" isn't as good a philosophy as "do what I say, not what I do."
crazy eh?