I need sleep to the extreme. OH WELL.

Jan 02, 2009 02:17

Links to three applications you’ve voted for:
uno dos tres


¤ 1) Name Shari is my all purpose nickname, oho.
¤ 2) Age 17 going on 18 NO I DON'T WANNA.
¤ 3) Country Made in China, currently residing in the US of A

¤ 4) From a first impression, what kind of person do you appear to be? Depending on my mood at the time, either a quiet nerd or a loud obnoxious crazy perverted weird THING.
¤ 5) How does that differ from the person you are? It doesn't, really. Just add in skeptic, cynical, and pessimistic realistic. :D <-- is an oxymoron
¤ 6) What kind of person do you want to become, then? Someone who can actually make her points without rambling for 901238290 minutes first. Someone who makes a mark on the world, somehow. Someone who knows more than I know now.
¤ 7) What, or who, is your inspiration in life? Sounds cliche, but Einstein. Didn't have the best luck, lacked tact (hi~), ended up in a patent office and came up with the special theory of relativity (my favorite theory~~) in said job. Witty, wise, quirky, the quintessential mad scientist. What's NOT to like?
¤ 8) What are your major strong points? Dedication. If I decide to do something, I don't stop. Yes, this includes homework. My problem is starting on time. Adaptability. Also, I consider this a strong point, but perfectionism/critical. I am the harshest critic I know. But this is good, see, cause it motivates me to overcome my own flaws. It's the problem of the overcoming process. Oh, and apparently I'm funny. Iunno, people tell me that. I don't try to be. D8
¤ 9) What are your major weak points? Lazy, stupid (because the alphabet totally goes wyxz),
¤ 10) What makes you (^__^) =D? GOOD ART. Also, bad porn. I'm sorry it's just so FUNNY. Pretty music (Hans Zimmer, anyone?), FREE TIME, sleep, food, money, physics, calculus, pathetic corny nerdy jokes, dirty jokes, puns, winning my bets, free stuff, pretty people, muscles, graphing calculators, HOT VOICES ARE THE SEXIEST THING EVERRRR
¤ 12) What makes you (;__;) ;(? Everything sappy. I cry easy. More so when I'm PMSing. 8D
¤ 13) What is your general mood? weird

¤ 14) Do you think taking a humans life can be justified? Yes. Most murderers justify their own actions so that it's not immoral. Rather they're doing it for the good of something or the other. Whether or not this makes sense and is acceptable is up to society.
¤ 15) What do you think of Love? PAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Never felt it, think it's overrated. Also, why subject yourself to such vulnerability?
¤ 16) How do you view your life? DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. <--- senior waiting for college acceptance rejection letters
¤ 17) Do you “live” in the past, present or future? Future, most definitely. Past is past, and I'm very very good at getting over things. Future is of utmost importance cause you need to know where you're going in life.

¤ 18) Could you risk your life on a 15% chance of dying under unknown conditions if you would get really rich if you succeed? YES ARE YOU KIDDING? 15% is GOOOOOOOOOD. And besides, I've always wondered what it's like to die.
¤ 19) There’s war. Some people fight for their lives, some try to flee the field, some protect their family, some hide, some nurse the sick, some organize people, some steal, some try to stop the fights… Where are you? RUNNING AWAY. I am a complete and utter wimp. 8D
¤ 20) If you had Mukuro's power to possess people, how would you use it? Make Narf do stupid things. Like in my dreaaaaaaaams. Aka paint flowers on the roof of the science building and dress up as Jack Sparrow to fight a telekinetic giant squid. :D If I was Mukuro that could work! :O
¤ 21) A smiling, white-haired man comes to your house, eats all of your marshmallows, and says he needs your powers in the Mafia to overthrow other Mafias. (You’re getting nicely paid and free ice-cream for a year!) First, how much work does this require? And what type of work? If it's not physical but intellectual then FUCK YEAH. Free ice cream here I come. 8)
¤ 22) You find a wallet on the street. It contains a lot of money, a drivers license, and two condoms. Pocket the money, toss the wallet back. I have no morals, have I mentioned that yet?
¤ 23) Your house is burning. A lot. You have no idea where the other occupants of the house are. Yell "THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE" and run away. My parents should be able to hear me cause I can be reaaaaaaally loud. 8D

¤ 24) How do you eat your hotdogs? Uhm, I eat them? Oh oh you mean condiments? I like relish and onions with mine~~
¤ 25) What’s your theme song? Stronger than Dirt by Tom McRae. Specifically, "You will never get close to me" and "And I will still be here / When the dust has cleared".
¤ 26) Tell us a character from another fandom that you identify yourself with? Uhm I was stamped as Konohamaru from Naruto and Kharl from Dragon Knights? DUDE KHARL IS SO MUCH WIIIIIIIIN HAVE YOU READ BLACK EDUCATION THAT SHORT THAT SHOOOOOORT IT WAS MY BIBLE IN 7TH GRADE. Oh, and uh. Other characters aaaaare .... I forget names. But mostly the comic sidekick. I love sidekicks. :D
¤ 27) Give us a picture of, or describe your room My room is a messs. I also don't live in my room at all. I live in front of the computer, which is in the family room. But anyway, my room. It's got prints plastered over the walls, an OLD and CREAKY twin-size bed, a swivelly chair, a writing desk that smells like wood yaaaaay, a dresser, closet, bookshelf. Bookshelf has Chinese books, English books, artbooks, textbooks, SAT books, random trinkets I shoved on there. Also, my closet has my boxes of art supplies. Well, some boxes. The game room has most of my art crap. Uuuh what else. Oh, my clothes are all over the place. And I never make my bed. That's about it, yup.

Completely random, but the RATE ME TO THE LIMIT reminds me of that one jumprope song from Disney Channel.


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