Links to three applications you’ve voted for one two three!
¤ 1) NickName Suni
¤ 2) Age 16
¤ 3) Country USA
¤ 4) From a first impression, what kind of person do you appear to be? Um. Narcoleptic. xD; I fall asleep at the most inconvenient times. Always has something else on her mind. Rather on the shy side.
¤ 5) How does that differ from the person you are? Er, my falling asleep whenever isn't a medical condition. xD; Otherwise it's pretty accurate, I guess.
¤ 6) What kind of person do you want to become, then? moar confidence! more hardworking, easier to talk to and feel comfortable with. I wish I was a lot stronger - both physically and mentally. MORE ATHLETIC OTL. and quick-thinking.
¤ 7) What, or who, is your inspiration in life?
☆ My parents, definitely.
☆ ..........inspirational anime characters. ...OTL that sounds so pathetic LMFAO. OTL. But like... when I watch some formerly-useless character work so hard to either reach their dream in life or get stronger to protect someone, etc. i feel SO PUMPED UP 8D and go into "YEAHHH I CAN DO THIS!"-mode. Ahahah.
☆ Barack Obama :)
☆ Hayao Miyazaki
¤ 8) What are your major strong points?
☆ I'm very, very good at understanding people. (that doesn't mean that I act accordingly, though.)
☆ Optimistic
☆ Forgiving
¤ 9) What are your major weak points?
☆ I feel that I have the potential, but I don't really try.
☆ Gives in/gets distracted easily.
☆ Hot-headed
☆ I zone out. A lot. I don't pay attention to my surroundings as much as I should so it makes me really... oblivious/not realizing the obvious a lot of the time.
☆ When I get hooked on something, I get ADDICTED.
☆ Procrastinating. AUGH. *is neglecting pile of homework at this moment.* There goes my new year's resolution~
☆ Really prideful
☆ Judgmental
☆ I take a lot of things for granted, I guess.
¤ 10) What makes you (^__^) =D?
☆ deep, meaningful conversations =]
☆ green tea ice cream
☆ Miyazaki movies
☆ that comfortable feeling you get when you're with people who know and understand you :) I love my friends so much. <3
¤ 11) What makes you (¤>__<) >:(? MY PRECALC CLASS AUGH. All things math. Worrying about GPAs.
¤ 12) What makes you (;__;) ;(? closed-mindedness, racism, abuse, fights within the family/friends
¤ 13) What is your general mood? either ":)" or stressed out.
¤ 14) Do you think taking a humans life can be justified?
"Only in the most extreme of situations." <- What a previous poster said. I completely agree.
¤ 15) What do you think of Love? Ah, love... =| Love & I have a very love-hate relationship. LOL (excuse the pun.) At the mo', I'm disliking it a lot haha found out my long-time crush likes someone else T_T Hm. Seriously, though I think true, unconditional love is one of the most powerful things to exist in our world. WOW that sounds cheesy. O_O (I'm afraid I'm a about to get a lil cheesier, so skip over the rest of this question if you can't handle it OTL xD) Like... when I see my parents working their asses off so that I can have a good life, I feel so... grateful, and feel the need to do the same for them. It's such an... empowering feeling, I think (in a good way). Like it or not, I think we can all agree that life in general would be a LOT less interesting without love. =]
¤ 16) How do you view your life? I look forward to experiencing more in life, I look forward to the future, though I get a little... scared? nervous? thinking about it sometimes
¤ 17) Do you “live” in the past, present or future? hm. I'd like to say the present, but I think I linger around in the past a tad too much.
¤ 18) Could you risk your life on a 15% chance of dying under unknown conditions if you would get really rich if you succeed? Naw. Being rich isn't a priority for me.
¤ 19) There’s war. Some people fight for their lives, some try to flee the field, some protect their family, some hide, some nurse the sick, some organize people, some steal, some try to stop the fights… Where are you? LOL, knowing me I'd probably be hiding =_= But if hiding isn't an option, or my family/loved ones were in danger, I'd like to think that I'd fight to protect them.
¤ 20) If you had Mukuro's power to possess people, how would you use it? possess admissions office people and actually be able to get into college OTL *note to self: do not fill out surveys when stressed in the future xD*
¤ 21) A smiling, white-haired man comes to your house, eats all of your marshmallows, and says he needs your powers in the Mafia to overthrow other Mafias. (You’re getting nicely paid and free ice-cream for a year!)
N-nani?! How'd you get in here ?! and more importantly, where'd you find the marshmallows... 0_o
¤ 22) You find a wallet on the street. It contains a lot of money, a drivers license, and two condoms. Return it. I'd be very, very tempted to steal the money and the condoms. *snort* only kidding but if I did, I'd probably feel so guilty that I'd either donate it all to a charity or track down the person on the driver's license and pay them back with interest.
¤ 23) Your house is burning. A lot. You have no idea where the other occupants of the house are. Oh goodness. I would call 911, and my mom and dad to make sure they're okay. If they don't pick up, and I have a suspicion that they're still inside I'd get my neighbors/people in the immediate area for help. or... charge in myself. I honestly don't know what I would do.
¤ 24) How do you eat your hotdogs? ...with ketchup? xD;; (how on earth does this help determine the character ahahah)
¤ 25) What’s your theme song? the rocky balboa theme song! dun nun DUNNNNNN~ xD
¤ 26) Tell us a character from another fandom that you identify yourself with? Hm. I got tagged as Mamimi in the FLCL rating comm... probably cause she's always in her own little world/zones out a lot. =_= Hm... but I would have to say Simon from Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggann.
¤ 27) Give us a picture of, or describe your room Er. Very, very messy. xD But cozy! :D
...this took a lot longer than I thought it would.
Please write the reasons as to why you picked that person, if you can; I'm curious. :D (Long comments = love.) I don't mind if you don't, though. :3