After re-reading the little dates, I think I figured out I actually missed the boat for this one. Sorry about that, haha. Feel free to delete.
Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently: there have been no other new ones since I last did my voting =/
1) Name Emcy (Fai is a nickname)
2) What makes people like you? Actually .. I haven't a clue. I guess because I'm pretty easy going and I tend to listen more then talk. Although I consider myself outgoing when it comes to activities, I'm actually really low energy and so I guess that just comes off as not being very intimidating. Plus, I can related to both genders well so I can always strike up conversations in their 'comfort zone'
3) What could possibly make them want to kill you? The fact that I'm just ... there? I don't really know. I don't have any outstanding traits or things that could really make someone want to kill me based on ideals so I guess the only thing I can think of that would make somebody want to kill me is my personality. I just don't really react. I don't know.
4) Is there anything you have strong opinions about; what? (abortion, homosexual marriage, war?) I don't have 'strong' opinions about anything. I'm really stuck in the center of things. I'm stubborn though so once I chose a side (if I even do) then I don't budge, no matter what people tell me.
5) What provokes you? Not much actually. It's really hard to make me mad or annoy me but I suppose it's spur of the moment things really. I mean, I have issues with some family but well, who doesn't? I guess one thing that does annoy me pretty quickly in when you tell someone not to do something (for whatever reason) but they do it anyway. Ugh.
6) How keen are you on fighting back? Not very. I've learned over past experiences that simply taking it and not fighting back makes things end a lot quicker. I know its dumb and I'm trying to sort it out in my own way but I guess that mind frame will be stuck with me for a long time.
7) Do you like waffles? I used to adore them and now, I just eat them if they're yummy. I liked putting peanut butter and jam on them and then smothering them in syrup. Yummy~
8) What makes you stand out from the crowd? The fact that I have no fashion sense? What I pick out and think looks cool, I put it on. I have this undieing hatred for matching things so I wear whatever, whenever.
9) In times of war, what would you do? Try and stop it as long as it didn't involve me being a part of the action itself. I don't like the idea of dieing very much.
10) What would you do if you were shot by the Dying Will Bullet? Oh god, anything? I'd be a completely different person, I just know it. I mean, I rarely act on anything so I guess anything I even thought about would be blown out of proportion.
11) If you were to provoke someone, how would you do it? I guess, get under their skin. Learn what makes them tick and use that against them. I like mind games, I'm a master manipulator (I know, you'd never guess it)
12) What do the opinions of others mean to you? Not much really. I have a lot of ideas about myself and sometimes people can say things that influence a thought I sued to have or something but yeah. Not many peoples opinions matter to me, only a selected few that I respect.
13) Which things would you fight to protect? Probably people more then ideals. Ideas change with time but if you lose a person, their gone forever.
14) How active are you? Not very. I'm actually quite lazy but I've been trying to get out more. I'm freeloading off a friend right now and she usually goes out so I tag along more often then not.
15) What traits do you dislike in others? Inflexibility. Nothing is more annoying then that. There is a HUGE difference in my mind between being stubborn and being inflexible. Other then that, I don't really care. Be cute and happy or angsty and moody.
16) Whats your usual mood? I'm usually pretty mellow. Like I said before, I'm low energy but I'm usually pretty happy. I'll have the off day but because I'm pretty easy going, most of my bad moods are meerly ideas and not actually .. presented. Does that make sense?
17) How would you define "cute"? Something that makes you feel giddy inside and want to tell anyone who will listen just how much you adore whatever you think is cute.
18) What would make your day perfect? Right now? I want a slice of cheese pizza, chips and a Cola. To sit down and play video games right now would be brilliant.