Links to three applications you’ve voted for
ichi ni san
¤ 1) Name: Vanessa/Nessa
¤ 2) Age: 14
¤ 3) Country: United States :O
¤ 4) From a first impression, what kind of person do you appear to be?: Um...kind of antisocial and I tend to be really snarky, so sometimes people even see me as mean. D: But I'm really not! Ah...I seem really quiet when I'm around strangers, and I'm generally sarcastic...very I guess I would seem kind of unfriendly and preoccupied.
¤ 5) How does that differ from the person you are?: I'm really not like that! When I'm around friends I'm loud and kind of rude sometimes, still sarcastic, but much nicer. =/ I laugh a lot more too, and I'm less awkward...
¤ 6) What kind of person do you want to become, then?: The kind that saves people! I want to be someone's hero. :D As a doctor.
¤ 7) What, or who, is your inspiration in life?: My inspiration mostly comes from music and other works of fiction.
¤ 8) What are your major strong points?: I'm friendly and extremely empathetic. I can relate to people more often than not and I'm told constantly that I've very easy to talk to. People tend to trust me, for whatever reason I really don't understand, and I hear a lot of things because people trust me not to tell anyone. I keep a secret when I'm told to, unless it's something no one really cares about. I'm generally happy and peppy and energetic too?
¤ 9) What are your major weak points?: Oyyyy. My attention span. Is godawful. I get dramatic and whiny sometimes, and I tend to start ranting when I hear about things that irk me. I can come off as either a shy little asian or an extremely energetic, in your face chick who can be a little bit scary at first. Yeah. Oh, and I'm really perverted.
¤ 10) What makes you (^__^) =D?: I'm a fangirl, so stuff I fangirl over. Fluff. Happy stories. Talking to friends~~ Plus I adore parakeets.
¤ 11) What makes you (¤>__<) >:(?: SCARY MOVIES I HATE SCARY MOVIES. Oh. And when people try to put me down or my friends. RAWR. And when people can't take any sort of constructive criticism well, and also when we run out of soda. Argh.
¤ 12) What makes you (;__;) ;(?: Sad movies. Any sad movie. Sad stories. :( Also, if something I really really want is taken away...
¤ 13) What is your general mood?: I'm generally happy-go-lucky. And hyperactive.
¤ 14) Do you think taking a humans life can be justified?: No. Overall, it's going to hurt someone, I think, when you kill someone. And that hurt by affiliation can't be justified. But...killing is natural. =/ It's a neverending cycle of hate and revenge.
¤ 15) What do you think of Love?: Love is complex. =/ I believe most people fall in lust at first sight, and I've had a couple really stupid flings where it was a crush, and most definitely not love. Love is...complicated. Not really worth meddling with.
¤ 16) How do you view your life?: My life? Um...I don't really know how to answer this. My life is precious, but it would be meaningless if not for the friends I hold close in my heart. If I was to be abandoned beyond all hope, I wouldn't hesitate to call a suicide hotline because it's quite likely I would end up committing suicide.
¤ 17) Do you “live” in the past, present or future?: I have a tendency to focus on the future quite a lot.
¤ 18) Could you risk your life on a 15% chance of dying under unknown conditions if you would get really rich if you succeed?: No. =/ Wealth is relative. Of course, if I was a hobo, then maybe yes. But I'm relatively comfortable as is, I wouldn't bring grief upon my friends and family for such a selfish reason otherwise. 15% is quite a lot...O____O;
¤ 19) There’s war. Some people fight for their lives, some try to flee the field, some protect their family, some hide, some nurse the sick, some organize people, some steal, some try to stop the fights… Where are you?: I would try to stop the fights and protect my friends...who technically are my family. I would also try to nurse the sick, if I can't fight for the ones I care for.
¤ 20) If you had Mukuro's power to possess people, how would you use it?: Eh...petty reasons. If I really really wanted something I might use it to steal...yes, I'm not as lawful as I would like to pretend I a,. Haha. And you know, if I get pulled over or something I might get an officer to let me off...or anything like that. But it's not like I'd pull a heist with it or anything. =3=
¤ 21) A smiling, white-haired man comes to your house, eats all of your marshmallows, and says he needs your powers in the Mafia to overthrow other Mafias. (You’re getting nicely paid and free ice-cream for a year!): Eh? Well, it altogether depends on what Mafias. Though most likely, I'd join and then try to figure out what I'm working for while I'm working. Cause ice cream and pay is awesome! (Though I'd shriek "BYAKURAN!" every time I see him.)
¤ 22) You find a wallet on the street. It contains a lot of money, a drivers license, and two condoms.: Like I said, I'm not that lawful, but I never said I'm lawless. I'd return it to the police. Now, if there wasn't a license...lmao, you're screwed man. xD
¤ 23) Your house is burning. A lot. You have no idea where the other occupants of the house are.: Get out my cell phone and call for help while I try to get a SAFE way to get to my family. Oh, and if I can, douse myself with water so I don't get burned as easily. Plus start chucking shit at neighbor houses to wake them up. And screaming. Lots of screaming.
¤ 24) How do you eat your hotdogs?: There...are different ways to eat hotdogs? I put on condiments...then I eat it from one side to another?
¤ 25) What’s your theme song?: Ooh, I have difficulty deciding theme songs. >.< I do particularly like Rolling Star by Yui (yeah, from Bleach) and I agree with the translation, as long as it was accurate. Of course. ;) So I guess that will do for now.
¤ 26) Tell us a character from another fandom that you identify yourself with?: Hrm. Uhhh...that's kind of a diffucult question. Lol I like Shiki, from The World Ends With You, but I'm not sure I identify with her. I envy Haruhi of Ouran, because she's so comfortable with looking like a guy. I don't look like a guy, but it would be fun to take her place, I think.
¤ 27) Give us a picture of, or describe your room: Oh lord. Oh lord. Too embarassed to put up a photo. My room's a mess. It's not even personalized. :P There's a pink cover to a bed that I really hate, a chair that I don't use, an old bookcase I don't really use except to hold my books that I don't read. A large mirror on a dresser, connected bathroom, and two drawer things. And then throw a layer of clothes, paper, and whatnot over everything and paint the walls a pale yellow. Yup. That's my room.