About You…
Name: Sam[antha]
Nicknames or Aliases: Sam, Sammy, & a throng of embarassing nicknames i only let close friends/family call me :D
Gender: female
Same Gender Stamp? whatever works :D
Age: seveteen
Location: new york =D
A Snippet From A Song That Suits You Well:
Why is it not the time?
What is there more to learn?.. yeah
I shed this skin I've been tripping in
Never to quite return
Someday I'll fly
Someday I'll soar
Someday I'll be something much more
Cause I'm bigger than my body gives me credit for
Cause I'm bigger than my body now
(john mayer; bigger than my body. YES, i know it's corny. but i still like it & i def. think it works.)
Your Favorite Quote: "oh oh, i love her because she moves in her own way." it's a song lyric by a band called 'the kooks' - i think it's really sweet. :D
Likes: dancing, singing, performing on stage, hanging out with friends, making new friends, laughing my butt off, jumping on trampolines, coffee, driving, swimming, fish, manatees, writing, music, sleeping, dreaming, taking pictures, new york city, shopping, fun-colored eyeliner, nailpolish, history class, politics, french class, reading, baking, cooking, text messaging, and love interests. :P
Dislikes: boring/obnoxious/rude people, science class, precalculus (or, just calculus in general), people who are extremely close-minded, mtv, headaches, eating too much :3 hahaha i can't think of anything else. i think i like more things than i dislike (if that made annyyy sense at all!)
Talents: singing & dancing, i suppose. :)
Hobbies: dancing, shopping, singing, writing, laughing, lalalala
Astrological Sign: scorpio
Three Positive Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You: compassionate, generous, outgoing, fashionable
Three Negative Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You: sensitive, moody, stubborn
A Little Deeper…
What Were You Like as a Child? i'm the oldest out of three children, so i assumed the leadership position in nearly every activity we were in together - sometimes, not rightfully so - but i was very sure of myself.
What Career Did You Dream of? i really wanted to be famous, lmao. but for a while, i also wanted to be a school teacher. which is what i'm focusing on now. :D
What is the Best Thing That’s Ever Happened to You? a lot of good things have happened to me. i feel so fortunate for all of them, so i can't just pick one. :)
What is the Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to You? personal loss. i don't want to get into much detail because it might be too personal, but someone very close and precious to me passed away.
What is Your Biggest Fear? a loved one dying, i think.
Your Favorites…
Favorite Book(s)? besides twilight, i really like lolita written by vladimir nabakov :3
Favorite Movie(s)? pride & prejudice, hands down! (aaaand the little mermaid, haha)
Favorite Artist(s)? umm...i don't really have one. like art-artist, or musical-artist?
Favorite Music(s)? well, my favorite musical artist is the killers. really good stuff. but my music taste is veeeery ecletic; i can listen to basically anything except really hardcore rap/country.
Favorite Place(s)? that's everchanging. it depends on my mood or who i'm with. :]
What is Your Favorite Childhood Memory? when i was a baby i made a gigantic mess out of the kitchen in the old apartment i used to live in with my parents. i know i only got away with it because i was so little, but i feel like making a mess out of a kitchen at any age would be tons of fun - just not the whole 'cleaning it up' part. =P
About Twilight…
What is your Favorite Part from Any of The Books? (It‘s okay to choose a few bits if you can‘t decide.) DEF. the part when they first confess their feelings for one another in the first book. so powerful<3!
Which Character(s) Do You Relate to The Most? tough question. hmm. i'm not really sure. ;P i'd say bella, except i've never fallen in love with a vampire before.
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Friends With? jacob, or alice. :D
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Romantically Involved With? either jacob or edward. i'm leaning more towards edward, but i can't decide...
If You Could Sit Down and Talk to Any Character Who Would it be? probably alice.
Your Favorite Quotes from The Books: there's a lot, but i'll settle on just one - "i'm betting on alice" because it's the first one that came to mind. cliche, i know. :D
Please Link to Three Applications You Have Voted On:
http://community.livejournal.com/stamp_twilight/14747.html?view=99995#t99995http://community.livejournal.com/stamp_twilight/13423.html?view=100207#t100207 http://community.livejournal.com/stamp_twilight/14521.html?view=101817#t101817