Name: Carrington
Age: 17
Who Were You Stamped As? Edward
It’s an ordinary day. What are you wearing? My outfits change wildly depending on what mood I am in. I dress up for no reason at all. Sometimes I am very casual in jeans and a t-shirt (I’m cold mostly, so I’ll add a sweatshirt). I wear jeans all the time, but in all conditions from ripped to $150 designer jeans. Converse, Doc Martins, high heels: I wear it all.
You need to dress formally. What are you wearing? For a job interview, it’s a nice pair of slacks and a flowy shirt of some sort. For really formal events I go all out with a nice dress, the perfect shoes and perfectly shaped hair.
What can I say? I’m a photographer.
How would you describe your style as far as clothing goes? Everything. Some days, it’s like the 70s, other times it is very modern and chic, and sometimes I go retro: all depends on my mood.
How much effort and time do you put into your physical appearance as far as clothing and grooming go? I spend about 10 minutes on my hair each morning, and about 5 on my face. To get the outfit that I feel perfect in, it can take a bit of time, like 10-15 minutes.
Please post three or more pictures or describe your appearance in detail.
Taken in crappy lighting, sorry! Applications You've Voted On...