I'm with the vampires. (:

Jun 13, 2008 14:00

About You…
Name: Kara
Nicknames or Aliases: None
Gender: Female
Same Gender Stamp? Please. (:
Age: Eighteen
Location: West Virginia
A Snippet From A Song That Suits You Well:
"When you are gone
Will I lose control?
You are the only road I know
You show me where to go
Who will drive my soul?"
- Drive My Soul by Lights
Your Favorite Quote: "Live well, laugh often, love much."
Likes: books, roses, cats, video games, English, music
Dislikes: spiders/insects, snakes, storms, liars, drugs, alcohol
Talents: singing/music, writing
Hobbies: reading, singing, video games, spending time with friends
Astrological Sign: Virgo! (:
Three Positive Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You: intelligent, kind, caring
Three Negative Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You: impatient, argumentative, stubborn

A Little Deeper…
What Were You Like as a Child? I was always quiet and lonely, I suppose I was awkward or something, I didn't have any siblings to be around, plus I never really had too many friends, so I left entertainment up to my own imagination. :D
What Career Did You Dream of? haha the only career I remember wanting when I was little was to be an astronaut because I saw advertisements for that NASA camp all of the time. I soon realized I didn't particularly want to risk dying in space, though. (;
What is the Best Thing That’s Ever Happened to You? Meeting my best friend. He's always there for me and I'm thankful I have him in my life after some of the bad things that have happened. (:
What is the Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to You? My mom dying when I was 10. I really hate that she hasn't been in my life all of this time.
What is Your Biggest Fear? Being alone, I can't stand fearing that people are going to leave me, especially my best friend.

Your Favorites…
Favorite Book(s)? Twilight (obviously!), Harry Potter, Beauty by Robin McKinley, Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz, Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
Favorite Movie(s)? Dirty Dancing, Harry Potter, Howl's Moving Castle, Pride & Prejudice, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, 27 Dresses, Atonement
Favorite Artist(s)? Regina Spektor, Lights, The Fray, Maroon 5, Snow Patrol, Boys Like Girls
Favorite Music(s)? Just about a bit of everything, I'm not too big a fan of rap or gospel, though.
Favorite Place(s)? My room, countrysides, meadows, any place that isn't hot/sunny
What is Your Favorite Childhood Memory? Any time I spent with my mom, she was fun to be around, and I wish we could've been together longer.

About Twilight…
What is your Favorite Part from Any of The Books? (It‘s okay to choose a few bits if you can‘t decide.) This is a tough question, but I really like the part when Edward saves Bella from James' venom. He's just so sweet. (:
Which Character(s) Do You Relate to The Most? Bella, I feel that we have a lot of similar characteristics and traits, the same reactions to certain things, and her choices in friends.
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Friends With? I'd say Bella and Alice. I think I relate well with Bella, and Alice is so friendly and cute!
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Romantically Involved With? Edward, he's like my perfect dream. (:
If You Could Sit Down and Talk to Any Character Who Would it be? Bella, Alice or Edward. They're all of my favorites, and I think I'd enjoy spending time talking to them. (:
Your Favorite Quotes from The Books: "Stupid shiny Volvo owner." "This hostage stuff is fun!" "Look after my heart, I've left it with you." "If I could dream at all, it would be about you."
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