About You…
Name: Mayra
Nicknames or Aliases: Maya, May
Gender: Female
Same Gender Stamp? idc
Age: 20 (almost 21, in about 2 weeks)
Location: Brazil
A Snippet From A Song That Suits You Well: So far away from everything you know is true Something inside that makes you do what you got to do (Bells of Freedom - Bon Jovi)
Your Favorite Quote: don't have one, actually.
Likes: Books, music, werewolves, adventure, food (chocolate mostly), beach, nature, photography, dance, movies, clothes, travels, money, fire, water... and goes on.
Dislikes: Vampires, cigarrettes, alcohol, drugs, politicians, lies, fakes, poverty...
Talents: I write, I photoshop, I can fix computers, I dance quite well, I'm a very good friend/girlfriend, I give good advice.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, being friend, giving advice, dancing, singing, traveling, chatting
Astrological Sign: Leo
Three Positive Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You: Funny, loyal, brave
Three Negative Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You: Cruel, sarcastic, introspective
A Little Deeper…
What Were You Like as a Child? Very shy, with few friends, and very bright. When I was around my family, I turned to be the leader of the children, the responsible for everyone.
What Career Did You Dream of? I wanted to be too many things! Mostly something related to art, like dancer, singer, writer. I'm doing Medicine school tough.
What is the Best Thing That’s Ever Happened to You? The creation of internet (I've found so many friends around the world!)
What is the Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to You? The relationship I have with my family (I love them, but we don't get along well)
What is Your Biggest Fear? To be weak or to fail something I'm completely able to do (aka almost everything)
Your Favorites…
Favorite Book(s)? Dan Brown's Books, Nora Roberts' too
Favorite Movie(s)? Patch Adams, PS. I love you, Van Hellsing
Favorite Artist(s)? Angelina Jolie
Favorite Music(s)? I really don't know. Could be The Scientist, Coldplay, but I listen too much dance music. xD
Favorite Place(s)? That I've already been: my room, the hotels I've been, the kitchen | That I wanna be: Ireland (I wanna live there), France, Japan, Italy, Africa
What is Your Favorite Childhood Memory? idk, really, I don't have too much very happy memories. I didn't have a dramatic childhood with very bad things, but I don't like to think about it either.
About Twilight…
What is your Favorite Part from Any of The Books? (It‘s okay to choose a few bits if you can‘t decide.) I love the whole New Moon (because of Jacob' major appearance) and the Bella/Jacob kiss near the tent in the end of Eclipse (for exactly the same reason). Also I love the extra Sthephenie wrote about Jake.
Which Character(s) Do You Relate to The Most? I dunno. I think I'm very much like Sam.
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Friends With? Jacob, Sam, Angela, Renné, Alice, Jasper, Emmet, Carlisle.
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Romantically Involved With? JACOB! *.* Or Sam. I really love alpha-wolves.
If You Could Sit Down and Talk to Any Character Who Would it be? Billy! He could tell me everything about Jacob!
Your Favorite Quotes from The Books: I read it in Portuguese, so I don't know how it's written in English, but it's the part where Jake says that he would be the air and the sun for Bella, not a drug - like Edward is.
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