1. Name: Julia
2. Age: 20
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? I would live in London. I'm from a city, (granted a small one, but still a city) and I love city life. I love the hussle and bussle of people constantly moving around me, and I like not having to go to to far to get the things I need and want. I also just love London. When I was 15 my family and I went there for the weekend and ever since then I've wanted to go back. I'm a huge Shakespeare dork (English major, can you tell?) and to live in the same city as Shakespeare would be unreal. Not to mention the sexy Brittish accents.
4. What would your Room of Requirement look like? I think my Room of Requirement would be a nice big kitchen. Idealily, my friends and I would be cooking a huge meal which we would later eat. There would be music playing in the background, and a nice big table for us to sit around and chat while everything is in the oven. And the place would also have the wonderful smell of cooking food.
5. Who is your least favorite Harry Potter character? Hmmmmm, tough choice between Peter Pettigrew and Bellatrix Lestrange. In the end I think I'll have to say Pettigrew. He was a coward, and he didn't think twice about betraying his friends. He's seen how good life can be if you have friends like James Sirius and Remus, and yet he still chose a live of evil which led him to betray the very friends who made it so good for him in the first place.
6. Is the glass half empty or half full? Half full, always. I am nothing if not an optomist. Whatever the problem is, I always think that there has to be a way to fix it.
7. Give us a quotation (Can be from a famous person, a song, or even a poem-whatever you want) you feel represents your life or personality.
I count myself in nothing else so happy
As in a soul remembering my good friends.
And as my fortuine ripens with thy love,
It shall be still thy true love's recompense.
My heart this covenant makes, my ahnd thus seals it.
--William Shakespeare Richard II (2.3.-47-40)
8. In your life, who comes first: family or friends? My friends. Merlin knows I love my family to pieces, but my life would be a gigantic void of nothingness if it weren't for my friends. There are so many things in my life that I'm just very uncomfortable discussing with my family, and if it weren't for certian friends I would have no one. I chose to be friends with them, and my friends are some of the most amazing people on the planet.
9. What is your favorite childhood memory? I don't remember how old I was exactly, probally 8 or 9. My family lived next door two a family with two boys, about my sister and my ages. One day in January their parents took the four of us sledding on a golf course. That was quite possibly the most fun I've ever had, and deffinatly the most fun I've had involveing anything to do with golf. The hills on the course were great for sledding on, and the company was unbeatable.
10. What would you say is your biggest flaw? I have very little ambission. In my life I always put things off to the last minutte, especially things that I need to do. I have a terrible habbit of just hoping things will happen for me, rather than going out and making them happen.
11. If you had been at Hogwarts during Harry’s fifth year, do you think that you would have joined the D.A.? I would have joined in an instant. Umbridge was a horrible woman who needed to be stopped. The D.A. not only managed to get around her horrible teaching skills, but gave her students the means to fight.
12. Describe how you react to difficult or stressful situations. First I go insane. Then I attempt and fail. Then I get frustrated and cry. Then I have a cup of hot chocolate. Then I get some help from a friend and get back at whatever it is that's stressing me out, and I get it done.
13. Which do you value more: compassion or justice? Compassion. Justice is important, and with any crime the circumstances must be taken into account. It is one thing to steal food from the supermarket because you can. It is quite another to steal food from the supermarket because you have to feed your family.
14. Would you say that you’re a child at heart, or that you have an old soul? I think I will always be a child at heart. Granted, I think I'm pretty mature and responsible for a 20 year old, but despite that, I will always be that little five year old watching Cinderella.
15. Which Hogwarts House do you think that the Sorting Hat would place you in? Either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. I think I have the values for both...courage, loyalty, and willingness to work.
16. If you have a picture of yourself and feel comfortable posting it, please do so! Pictures are fun! Zot Ani!