1. Name: Grace
2. Age: 17
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? This isn't the question I normally expect to have on an application of any sort -I like it. Frankly, I'm pretty content where I am, in the tiny town of Eugene, OR. If I could live anywhere, it honestly wouldn't be a specific place. Some people think this is really lame, but as long as I'm with the people I love, it doesn't really matter where it is.
4. What would your Room of Requirement look like? My RoR would be filled with books of all kinds. There would be novels, sketchbooks, notebooks, and an endless supply of pencils. There would be a big window, a fire place, and a big comfy armchair placed right by the window (and in front of the fireplace, ofcourse). I love to read and to write, and my favorite place to do it is by the window in a comfy chair.
5. Who is your least favorite Harry Potter character? I really want to say Umbridge, but I didn't hate her all that much. She was written to be hated, and I think that makes choosing her pointless. I'd have to say, that my all time least favorite character is Peter Pettigrew. I loathe him. People like Peter make me so furious; I don't care who ordered you to do it, you don't ever betray your friends. Peter was a backstabber who betrayed his friends (and let them get killed) and strayed to become one of voldemort's followers. It seriously sickens me.
6. Is the glass half empty or half full? I really hate questions like these. I always wish that I could look at the glass as half full, but I generally look at it as half empty. -Well, sometimes. That's why I hate these questions, it really depends on what the situation is. In my life, in things that relate directly to me, and only me (finals, or the SATs for example) I tend to have a rather pessimistic view; while when it comes to the people I care about, I have a very optimistic view. That's why I hate questions like these. I try as hard as I can to be positive about most things, but I just have a tendency to be too hard on myself, which leads to a rather pessimistic point of view.
7. Give us a quotation (Can be from a famous person, a song, or even a poem-whatever you want) you feel represents your life or personality. "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
--Dr. Seuss (I normally have a really hard time finding quotes for these, but ever since I read this one it's been stuck in my head. People tend to judge me based on my looks, or the fact that I wear dark clothes, or have glasses, or am dating a geek", or whatever; and there are so many incredible judgemental people in my life, who just love to pick apart everything that someone does, for no reason, or for a really stupid reasons. I love this quote because it means that the people who really love you and really matter in your life, don't mind if you mess up, or aren't perfect. <_< If that makes any sense at all.)
8. In your life, who comes first: family or friends? Both. I would never choose between my family and my friends. For that matter, my family is a part of my circle of friends. A different type of circle, but I consider my family as friends; so it goes both ways. Whoever needs me, and anyone who would ever force me to choose, isn't really worth my time.
9. What is your favorite childhood memory? Christmas of '94 is probably my favorite memory. Not actually Christmas day, but a week or so before. A very peculiar thing happened that winter -my family was really short on money that year, and we weren't going to be able to have a Christmas tree. I was about six, and I prayed and prayed to God that we would get a Christmas tree. One night, my little sister and I were playing in the family room with dolls or something like that; and just all of a sudden I looked out the glass door and there was a Christmas tree propped up against the shed outside. It hadn't been there five minutes before, and we hadn't seen anybody come and drop it off, it just -appeared. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me, and told my mom all about it. We had a Christmas tree that year, and I've never forgotten it. Most people wouldn't believe me, but it really did happen. We never found out who gave us the tree, either.
10. What would you say is your biggest flaw? My short temper. I'm a very fiery, passionate individual, and I have a tendency to "shoot first, ask questions later." I'm very defensive, and I have mood swings like there's no tomorrow. I lash out and people when I'm upset, and always cover up my sadness with anger. It's amazing that my friends have put up with my temper for this long.
11. If you had been at Hogwarts during Harry’s fifth year, do you think that you would have joined the D.A.? Definitely, with a teacher like Umbridge and with Voldemort on the lose, I wouldn't been more than willing to join the D.A. I have a huge mischievous streak, too; so the D.A. would be just my place.
12. Describe how you react to difficult or stressful situations. I'm really very calm under stress most of the time, I'm rational and I think quick on my feet. If I were responsible for other people, I'd handle most any situation calmly and effectively. If I was just by myself, however, I'd like be far more quick to fight, and far less rational.
13. Which do you value more: compassion or justice? Compassion. I think with my heart more than I think with my brain, and I'd never forgive myself if I hurt someone badly. (Unless it was warranted, ie- self defense, etc)
14. Would you say that you’re a child at heart, or that you have an old soul? I definitely have an old soul. I've been a rather jaded person every since I was a child; and I've always been mature for my age. I had a really hard childhood, which resulted in me having to grow up at a pretty early age.
15. Which Hogwarts House do you think that the Sorting Hat would place you in? Either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. I'm strong, loyal, brave, passionate, mischeivous, kind, and responsible. All rolled into one. Now if that doesn't hurt your brain, I don't know what does.
16. If you have a picture of yourself and feel comfortable posting it, please do so! Pictures are fun!