Stamp me.

Dec 12, 2005 15:21

1. Name: Missa

2. Age: 18

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? Somewhere with a rich history and where I could live comfortably. Also somewhere with low taxes (because honestly). Also somewhere where it doesn’t snow or get too cold during the winter. I really don’t know if such a place exists, but if it does, that would be neat. I certainly don’t know the name of such a place, although I’m wont to call it My Personal Utopia…

4. What would your Room of Requirement look like?
It would probably be a mix between a candy store and a café or lounge of some sort. I have a killer sweet tooth and go absolutely nuts in candy stores, especially the chocolate ones. I’d want a little lounge bit to the side of the candy goodness so I could relax and maybe read a book or something while enjoying my hoard. Yum.

5. Who is your least favorite Harry Potter character?
Winky the House-elf. I mean, come on. Grow some backbone, stop crying and drinking yourself into a stupour, and do something with your life. She doesn’t even realise how good she has it, being free. She can’t exactly help it, I know, and that’s what bothers me most about her. The House-elves in general sort of rub me the wrong way. It’s all well and good if the House-elves are being treated fairly and like their jobs, but once they’re being abused, or once they’re being freed without their wanting to be, then you’ve got a problem, and that’s what Winky symbolises. She makes me angry - makes me want to shake a little sense into her.

6. Is the glass half empty or half full?
How can I tell if you don’t show me the glass? But seriously, in different situations, it can be either. I have noticed that it’s a lot easier to see the glass half full when it’s not YOUR problem. Like if a friend of yours is down for one reason or another, it’s usually easy to hug them and say everything will be all right. But once you encounter a problem, and it’s yours and yours alone, and if it’s a big enough one - then you start to see the glass as half empty. Or, at least it’s a lot easier to see it that way than to work on “filling it up”, per se. But it really does depend on the “glass”.

7. Give us a quotation (Can be from a famous person, a song, or even a poem-whatever you want) you feel represents your life or personality.
See the man with the lonely eyes
Take his hand, you'll be surprised
Change the “man” to “girl” and “his” to “her”, and you’ve got something that describes me so well that I put these two lines next to my picture for my senior yearbook quote. In case you don’t know, they’re lines from the Supertramp song “Give a Little Bit”. ♥

8. In your life, who comes first: family or friends?
Ouch. Tough one. I hope any of my friends who might end up reading this will forgive me, but in most cases (and yes, there are exceptions) family comes first for me. The exception comes into effect if at any point my family becomes less supportive, less loving, less my family, and I have to rely on my friends for that support. In that case, my friends would come first.

9. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Let me dig through the muck that makes up my memory and try to find it… Hmm, I think that my favourite memories were the times I spent playing with my third cousin, Michael. He was just a year older than me, and we used to do a lot of cool things when we were little. I ate worms with him when I was four, that’s GOT to be one of my coolest funniest memories ever (if anyone’s curious, they tasted like dirt… duh). And Michael had a dog that tried to kill me every single time I came over to his house. Okay, sure, the dog just licked my face and pounced on me, but that was scary and I was small, so nrg.

10. What would you say is your biggest flaw?
I would be unstoppable if I wasn’t shy. Seriously. I’ve got nearly everything going for me, minus the social skills. Heck, I’d probably be a bigger egotist than I already am if only I had those social skills, plus I’d be able to show myself off better and present a different image than I do currently (which is basically that of an aloof intellectual type).

11. If you had been at Hogwarts during Harry’s fifth year, do you think that you would have joined the D.A.?
Only if someone I knew was going. Due to lack of social skills, I wouldn’t have gone alone. But I’d go most definitely if I had a close friend to share the responsibility (and fun) with.

12. Describe how you react to difficult or stressful situations.
I’m good at panicking and over-dramatising things. For example, I have a paper due tomorrow. Said paper consists of (so far) my rambling on nothing in particular for about a page. I am not pleased at all. What have I done in response to this difficult and stressful assignment? I’ve posted about it in my LiveJournal about four times, complaining and panicking and whining. Yep.

13. Which do you value more: compassion or justice?
In the end, justice is more important. This doesn’t mean we should execute all the criminals in the world or anything, but you can’t show compassion to everyone, and frankly, they often don’t deserve it. Sometimes compassion should win out, but 90% of the time justice has to be done and that’s that.

14. Would you say that you’re a child at heart, or that you have an old soul?
When I was four years old, my grandmother used to say that I was “four going on forty”. I don’t remember it, but apparently I was a very mature little kid. Today, though, I have silly spells where I most certainly don’t act my age. Over all, though I can be immature and naïve, I’d have to go with the “old soul” bit. It shows a hell of a lot more often than the childish part of me does, at any rate.

15. Which Hogwarts House do you think that the Sorting Hat would place you in?
After several years of deliberation and introspection, I’ve come to what I think is a sound conclusion: Hufflepuff. Loyal and just, hard-working and fair. It’s the story of my life, really, and I feel like such a shmuck for not realising it sooner.

16. If you have a picture of yourself and feel comfortable posting it, please do so! Pictures are fun!
All the pictures I have pretty much suck, but sure. The first is about a year old (but best picture in my opinion) and the last is the latest I have - it was taken in September of this year (with my ex-boyfriend whose face is blotted out in bright red because I can’t stand to look at it let alone share it with all of you).

The end. ♥
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