Title: Waiting For You
Rating: PG
Pairings: Yoochun/Junsu
Word Count: 661
Summary: He thought they were forever.
Warning: Not beta'd
Words I couldn’t tell you,
Light filtered in through the curtains, flooding the room in a warm, orange color. The wind outside pushed and pulled at the trees, causing a dance of lights in the room, flickering and flashing, but always there, just running about. It was already far past noon, but the couple was still in bed, cuddling with each other, never letting one another go.
With his eyes closed, Junsu felt a little peck on his nose so he reached up, pressing his mouth against the other man’s, and softly nudging against it. Giggling, Yoochun opened up his mouth and immediately felt Junsu’s tongue slither in and begin to roam the already familiar space. After a few moments, Yoochun hesitantly pulled out of the kiss, but he gave Junsu another chaste kiss on the nose, to which the younger man pouted. Yoochun only giggled again at his cuteness.
“I love you, Su,” Yoochun whispered, pulling the smaller man closer into his embrace.
“Me too,”
When I close my eyes, they will emerge again
Erasing memories we had together
Tears began pouring down his cheeks as took gulps after gulps of his drink. There was no one else besides him in the bar; it was an odd hour of the day when he wandered in and sat down, ordering the strongest of the strong the bar served. The feeling burned his throat and his body begged for him to stop, to just slow down, to forget about the other man.
“I can’t” Yoochun choked out, not talking to anyone in particular, “I can’t.”
He remembered every single detail of the man-from the tips of his fingers to the soothing embrace of his words. He remembered the voice that would randomly break out into song, the eyes that greeted him a “good morning” every day, the lips that would take him in and make him feel loved. He remembered every curve of Junsu’s smile, every bitter edge of his tears. He couldn’t forget, dammit.
As if nothing happened
As I didn’t take your hand when you were by my side
“Please,” He begged the other man, “Just let me meet you,” The tears were still pouring down, and he was hiccupping into his phone. His words were slurred and he couldn’t see straight, but he knew one thing for sure. It seemed like it was all he knew-he needed to meet Junsu. Now. He needed him.
But the phone line was cut off; Junsu was far too hurt to give out forgiveness like free tissues on the street any longer. It had happened before, countless numbers of times where Yoochun would just disappear into the night, and come home smelling like girls and alcohol. Junsu could tell he was doing the same right now-there was no way he could see him again, not now. All Yoochun could do was sob into his own hands.
I will never let you go again.
I’ll wait for you until the end of the world
Soon, everything did go back to normal. He went to work; he came home; he ate; he slept. Everything was normal-everything but the empty space beside him at night. Sometimes he did call the other man, using a payphone or something, just to hear his voice, just to hear the little “Hello?” that he missed and yearned for so deeply.
He knew Junsu was doing well, even got himself a new boyfriend, as said by his friend, the only gate he still had to his ex-lover. Junsu was fine, coping far better than him. Yoochun couldn’t believe it. How could it be so easy for the other man? Hadn’t he loved him at all? Unknowingly, the tears began to pour down again, but somehow, it was already too familiar for him.
I’ll wait, he promised himself, one day; certainly one day Junsu will be his again.
I wait for you until the moment fate forbids
A/N: For my beloved Dineonnie, and because Kerry pretty much didn't beta, it's like this D: A songfic based on Yesung's OST for Paradise Farm 'Waiting For You'.