Mar 26, 2004 19:05
i got the job at bakers square. went to alex's. all is good but i hate how his family gets all up in mah bidness...
came home.
stopped by christine's to make her come get fat with me. not home.
went to rosie's.
lonely fatasses are the worst fatasses of all.
Mar 25, 2004 16:55
oh yeah. also. oberweis wants me to be their shift manager. i am a fat cow.
Mar 24, 2004 12:11
i need more lj friends. there's not enough to read.
im thinking of getting a haircut soooon. BUT i can't decide on what i want done. i want it shorter. If you have any recommendations on cuts or good places to get it done leave me a comment pleeeeease.
Mar 23, 2004 09:42
alex. if. you're. reading. this. leave. me. a comment.
Mar 10, 2004 09:46
oh yeah and some mexican guys named hector and something else came to look at suzie. they're gonna give me $4500 for her. she is such an awesome truck. just too much gas. im sorry it just wouldn work. i still love you as a truck.
Mar 10, 2004 09:34
steve irwin........ crocodile hunter of my dreams.
Feb 04, 2004 10:28
i dont want to go to work todayyyyyyyyyyy