ok..so consider yourself warned.
So.. how fucking hard is it to do something you said you'd do?? I was supposed to get a tattoo last week, then he says "I don't feel like doing it today, can we do it next Saturday?".. ok, yea. So.. Saturday comes.. "sorry, I'm busy..how bout tomorrow?" ok.. so..next day.. "I don't really feel like it.. how about monday?" ME: "whatever". I'll believe it when I see it and until then..a BIG OL FUCK YOU. Don't agree to do something
A. if you don't want to do it.
B. if you don't have time to do it.
C. Don't make plans and keep fucking changing them.
Gail seriously needs to stop treating me like a fucking maid. SERIOUSLY.. we had company today and not only did he leave in the middle of it to go hunting.. BUT he changes and leaves his shorts in the middle of the kitchen. For not just me, but everyone to step over. I wanna smack him.
I'm so mad and I really hope it doesn't turn into a huge fight tonight...cross your fingers for me.
ok.. other stuff I'm mad about.
1. WHY oh WHY do my teeth have to be so sensitive? Sensitive to heat, cold, sweets..GRR. Even after all my dental work my teeth still hurt. :(
2. Why is my house so dusty? Seriously.. there wasn't this much dust when I lived on a dirt road! GRR
3. My fridge stinks..I've cleaned it out 3 times in a week and there is still a stink.
I'm gonna stop bitching and come back later in a good mood... I hope.