I'm still reeling from last night

Feb 28, 2009 08:12

Re: Last Night's Battlestar Galactica

werqweoiqeiofsjdlfal;ksdnmo;qweafskclnv; 23jq'rlkvj se;lfj so hfoqv

BOOMER. FUCKING. BOOMER. HOW COULD YOU?! HOW DARE YOU?! I loved you. I adored you. I was heartbroken when Cally shot you, disgusted when you sided with Cavill. I dunno, seeing you back on Galactica gave me hope that would be some redemption for you. Not like I expected some sort of happy ending. Last four episodes and you almost reunite with Chief? I fully expected you to die. Die with either some amount of redemption or at least... I dunno, go out unapologetically. Not being sorry for what you did until the very end. I could even accept that. Look at Gaeta. I let him go.

BUT NO. YOU FUCK WITH CHIEF. YOU FUCK HELO. YOU BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ATHENA AND YOU KIDNAP HERA. OMG. I could not stop screaming at my tv. Wilder was right next to me and I think I blew his eardrums out. I was livid and upset and I never thought I would see the day where I would wish you died in a fire but you need to be ripped limb from limb and I hope no one has mercy on you. I just hope they have mercy on Chief.

Ronald D. Moore, you are AMAZING. I'm easily swayed, I admit: I cry and scream and yell at movies and all, but nothing on TV has me so riveted as BSG. And I watch a lot of TV.

Last night was fucking horrible. I was shaking I was so mad. Which makes the next event worse because I had to go see The Legend of Chun-Li.

IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW, IT IS THE WORST MOVIE IN EXISTENCE. And I'm sure you'll say "Duh, Des. Just look at it." NO. It is much worse. I sometimes throw out titles like "Worst Movie Ever" because something is the worst I have seen, or at least seen in a while. The current title holder for this was Jumper. But this movie, literally, worst movie ever. Not a single redeeming quality at all. And the absolute worst part was that I went in ready to tear into Kristen Kreuk for completely ruining Chun-Li. Ready to roll my eyes and scoff as Taboo took on Vega. BUT CHRIS KLEIN, YOU WERE THE WORST THING ABOUT THIS MOVIE AND THAT IS SAYING A LOT. Not only were you terrible, over-acted, cliche, and ugly in every scene you were in, but you're not even an original character. You're fucking Charlie. Way to ruin everything that you touch.

Ugh, I don't even know how I feel now.
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