Oct 08, 2006 21:41

UrbanDictionary.com's entry on atheists is quite impressive. The first 50 or so definitions are mostly right, except with way too much preaching, then you get to the rabid fundie definitions of atheist.

A person who denies the reality of God (particularly Jesus Christ, despite historical proof of His otherworldly being), and lives life 'free' trusting in science and 'logic'. This despite the fact that may be able to point out when and how the universe was created, but are unable to state WHY. Stephen Hawking himself made this point. Despite so much being unknown about what reality actually is, how it came into being, how colours, morality, love, the fabric of space and time 'happened', they consider themselves smarter than any faith bearing person, and pretty much anyone else they happen across. God loves atheists. Despite what they make think. Ironically, they are usually more militant about their lack of belief than faith bearing people are about their faith.

Stevie the atheist: "There is no God"
John the Faith-nut: "How did the universe happen?"
Stevie- "The big bang you idiot!"
John- "What caused that to happen?"
Stevie- "Pressure...eh...gas ses...eh..."
John- "What caused the 'pressure' and 'gasses' to exist?
Stevie- "Eh...eh..."
John- "In fact, what caused existence to exist?"
Stevie-"Eh...eh...Da rwin said that..."
John- "Who designed the tongue, instrument of Darwin's speech?"

This goes on for awhile. Atheists have nothing and no faith.

Until they're on their death bed.

Guess what. Most atheists don't claim to know everything. We just decide that we don't need to stick God as an explanation for every unexplained thing. And I realize I don't speak for every single atheist out there, but generalizations like this one are pretty baseless.

And no, I'm pretty sure there are atheists on their death bed. Not everyone wants to live for eternity.

A person who does not believe in God for what can only be one of two reasons:

1) They have not been told the truth that God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, down to Earth and sacrificed Him in order to save EVERY SINGLE PERSON to come after Him. They do not know yet that there has been a holy death in order to lift their sins from them and that they can be FORGIVEN eternally if they simply oper their heart to the love of Christ.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

2) They are aware of the truth regarding Christianity and God but are simply too afraid of how to go about "becoming" a Christian or what people will think of them if they do that they brush off religion as "unproven" and prefer to justify every teeny tiny amazing aspect of beauty on this planet as a work of "science" and pretend to feel content.

There is absolutely NOTHING that can fill the emptiness of the human soul completely except for Jesus Christ. DO NOT settle for being an Atheist when there is something truly so much better out there.

Jesus... can you GET any more preachy than that? Or more retarded? If I based my beliefs on what people thought of me, I'd still be a Christian, because now my parents think I'm a fool and they pretty much told me I was going to hell.

"A strong minded person who has dedicated himself to a disbelief in god based on roughly the same amount of evidence a religious follower uses to dedicate himself to a belief in god."

Yes,however it is more "scientific" to suppose that God does exist until it is disproven than it is to suppose that God does not or cannot exist,without even investigating the possibility.

Why you might ask?

Because the creationist is more closely following and adhering to the scientific method by believing in the concept that God may actually exist as a concept than the atheist is who has already concluded,without even scientifically testing and proving it via the scientific method,that god does infact NOT exist.(No Mr. atheist,we do not know that so let's test using the scientific method rather than just saying "there is no god,don't waste your time on fairy tales." << NOT very scientific!)

In other words God has not been proven or disproven and it is more scientifically sound to suppose that God does exist and test that theory than it is to dismiss that idea without even following the scientific method and actually testing it.The creationist has atleast left the possibility for testing using the scientific method.The atheist has rejected the scientific method altogether by making a premature,prejudical conclusion without even allowing for scientific testing

Thus,to reject god is to reject science!

The creationist supposes the God concept to be a solid concept and thus worthy of further investigation.

The atheist negates science by presupposing that the God concept isn't even conceptually a concept that is worthy of investigating via the scientific method.

Creationist:"God is a concept to be tested scientifically"

Atheist: "there is no god,it's a fairy tale,aren't I scientific?"

The atheist is not only un-scientific but presumes his self to be god because he is able to conclude without even using the scientific method.WOW,the rest of us have to use science but not the atheist.He is above us all, scientists included.For even a scientist has to test his theories.Not so for the atheist!The atheist is omni-potent!

Why even have science or the scientific method if we are going to make decisions without them and then claim to be on the side of science?

Creationist: "I think there is something to this gravity thing,let's investigate it as it's worthy of investigation"

Atheist: "No,it doesn't exist so there's no need to prove it or disprove it or to investigate it.It's just a fairy tale." - "Oh yeah by the way I'm for science,not fairy tales."

This person is just a lunatic and has obviously never met an atheist before. It's not scientific to claim something exists without evidence. Saying that God exists is about as scientifically accurate as it is to claim invisible pink unicorns exist. They have the same amount of evidence, but one has more people believing it. That doesn't make it true. Plus, a lot of atheists do look into there being a god. Some of them honestly search for one, spending a good portion of their lives doing so, but receiving no sign. If God won't let someone who is honestly seeking him know he's there, and then condemn them to hell for not seeing him, why the fuck does he deserve our worship? (I know not everyone who believes in God believes this. This is ranting against people who do.)

There are several definitions for this:

1. A person who likes to argue about everything, and will try to make up "facts" to try and disprove any divine creation.

2. A person who thinks it is cool to not belive in any gods. Sometime they think it is cool because thier parents are very religious. Most often young in age, often in highschool or colledge.

3. A scholar, or scientist who thinks that there can be no gods becasue they see lifeforms thru a microscope. They disbelive that such intricacy can be created by anyone, even the divine.

4. A person who honestly belives in no divine powers often because they have gone thru a hard time in thier lives, and dont see how there could be a God who allows such bad things to happen.

5. A person who is angry at orginized religions, and holds a grudge against the people they claim to be "brainwashed". They are often not creative enough to make up thier own gods.

Take it, or leave it.

1. "Ha, you belive in God? how could there be a God when there are aliens?"
2. "Ya, im an atheist. I use to be a Catholic, but then I became a Trendy."
3. "I simply dont see how any sort of being could have created nature."
4. "My mother was killed by some carjacker. Where was God then?"
5. "Ha, you belive in God? Ya, I use to belive in all thoes fairy tales, then I realized they were lies."

Quit sounding like a smug know-it-all.

Definition 1: Someone who does not believe in God(s) and doesn't grasp the concept of religion. Nothing more. Don't believe all the hype about: I think using logic, and I don't believe in ignorance and blah blah blah. It's a phase, a fad, and a bunch of teenage angst.

Person 1: I do not believe in God
Person 2: Oh, so then you're an atheist? :)
Person 2: Yes :)
Person 3: I think logically, rather than base my beliefs on a self-contradicting document which is not just unproven, but is actually disproven by science.
Person 2: Oh, so you're in denial :)

Okay, this one is just funny. There are adult atheists, too, y'know. Ones who don't eventually turn to religion. Oh, and... you kinda screwed up on the numbering of people there. Dumbass.

A dumbass who can't make up their minds of wat to believe in so s/he calls him/herself an "atheist"

hmmm God or budda I DON'T KNO the only way to get by is to become an hmmm atheist

ice cream or pizza damn hard choice i'll be an atheist for now.



I've quite made up my mind. If I hadn't, I'd be what smart people call an agnostic.

A person who believes that no God exists.

Oh, you're an atheist? It's such a pity. I'm hope you enjoy your tenure in hell, being ripped apart for all eternity.

Feel that Christian love!

Fictitious characters who don't really exist because of their belief in the illogical theory that human beings magically evolved from nothing.

^^What a fairy tale.

Since when do I not exist?

1. A person who does not believe in a deity or God.

Not true.

Atheists place all of their faith in science,thus in institutions,thus in government ran institutions,thus in indoctrination,thus in the GOVERNMENT.

The GOVERNMENT is the atheists GOD.

Go and blindly follow your GOD (the government) until each and every individual on earth has been indoctrinated and enslaved and forced to give up all our freedom. (gee,do we even have any freedom left?)

Think OUTSIDE your BUNS!

The fuck? Why can't people just accept that some people DON'T HAVE A GOD? "They claim to believe this BUT THEY DON'T REALLY BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS GOD IS REAL! RAAAWR!"

bunch of fags that dont believe in anything, have no culture or purpose to live in life. you may as well just get a gun and end your life because it would not realy matter to you.

science is a load of shit, dont get me wrong sure different areas in science like medecin is good but those scientists that think they know how everything started is bull shit. Some Dickhead thought of the "big bang" theory and everyone believes it. how the fuck would anyone know how the univeres started. scientists also beleive that the universe began seventeen billions years ago, how do they know that too? was anyone around that long ago? was everything just a coincidence? I dont think so. I'm a true Christian and i dont believe that there is life beyond this plant because that's just fantasy crap. There is no life beyond earth. this planet is also to perfect to be all one big coincidence. The most reasonable explanation is that God is the creator of everything and made everything for a specific reason.

I've got two words for you: vaccines, dickwad.


They say they don't believe in any god or gods or deities and then obsessively whine,piss and moan,bitch and deride Christ and Christians and their bible.

To be that obsessed with Christians and their God and bible makes you stupid atheists a HATE GROUP!

You are CRAZY to sit here and spend all of your time obsessing over a God which you claim doesn't even exist in the first place.And the fact that you have singled out Christians proves that you are a HATE GROUP!

You are Satanists and Antichrists but don't even know it.

Never once in have I ever heard one of you ridiculous FAGZ whine,piss or moan about Wicca,Hinduism,Buddhism,I slam or New Age mumbo jumbo!


FUCK OFF you fuckin SATANIC dickholes!!!

Many atheists do have a problem with a certain brand of Christianity. That is the brand wherein Christians make claims that they believe everyone should accept. We just care to point out inconsistencies, logical fallacies, and outright lies. If you make a claim that you believe is absolute, verifiable truth, a lot of atheists will be looking into that claim.

I'd say this kind of stuff should be better monitored, but, eh... it's UrbanDictionary.com. The more correct definition is likely to be the first. Only someone as bored as me is gonna bother to go through the 9 pages of entries for atheist.


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