If any of you know me at all, you would know that I drop internet-related things like flies. Like my drabbleday. Which I should probably go back and reclaim, s-sob. Anyway, I was similarly very close to forgetting about the existence of this LJ... but no,
brunettie has to go and make me update. Sigh. Multiple cuts for length.
atomicduck aka my sister, recently came back from Japan. Yesterday we sat around on our asses and basically watched TV the whole day. Making snarky comments at television is always a heartfelt way of bonding. We stumbled across some movie called The Devil's Diary, and it was basically the dumbed down version of Death Note, with more gratuitous violence/bodily fluids, 2D teenage characters, and crappy resolutions that is guaranteed to make you go "WHAT. WHAT IS THIS?" and start laughing. Wait, that's basically the entire plot anyway.
(I'm still wondering why an ambitious girl with a book that makes everything that you write down in it come true would waste time killing small fry and making herself super hot as opposed to, say, world domination.)
Speaking of Death Note, I need to finish that one-shot that I haven't touched in... forever. Sigh.
Anyway! Recently I've been hanging out on the Eragon critique site,
Anti-Shurtugal, and its forums, both of which have amazing writing tips and helped me to grow a lot as a writer way back when. I'm also lurking a lot on other writing tips sites... it's all fun to me. \o/ For some reason, I've been thinking more of my writing in general - do I have a future in it? Am I dedicated enough for writing novels? - and whatnot. So, inevitably, I've also been plotting out/expanding story lines for original fiction.
I have horrible habits for plotting. I realized that for one of my ideas, I have the country's political history down, a lot of world building done, know and love the antagonist an eerie amount, but I have no idea what the main character is like. And then another idea I've been playing around with from time to time with since a year ago? I have everything set up in my head except for the main character.
And despite the fact that I'll neeever go anywhere as an author, I'm probably going to be tackling NaNo this year again. Another set of marks down the drain, hurrah! This year it'll be an original novel, I suppose... I don't know if I'm going to use any of my more carefully planned plots. I'm kind of scared, because what if I end up screwing them up? But without a deadline and pressure set for me, I'm never going to get around writing any of them. On the other hand, both ideas are pretty much too big for 50,000 words and I doubt if I can write anything like 100k in a month. Maybe I can pull some other idea out of my ass - probably something easier like romance-heavy YA with fantasy. Which I said I was going to attempt just because Twilight, especially Breaking Dawn, annoyed me enough.
Speaking of which, let's ask loosely related questions--
1) If you were going to read a romance-heavy YA novel, would you prefer it to be in a female's POV or a male's POV?
2) Would you prefer reading a novel about high school students or college/university students?
3) Are you going to end up preferring a novel with a really hot main male lead, like, say, Edward Cullen? Just out of curiosity.
You know, what I don't get about Twilight is that if Meyer was going to put a Romeo and Juliet theme on Edward and Bella... well, besides the fact that a more suitable pairing would've been Edward/Jacob, Edward and Bella's relationship should've ended tragically or something. Violent delight have violent ends-- Friar Lawrence anybody? People miss huge points in Romeo and Juliet somehow, what the hell.
And, something I was bound to do--
Give me a fandom and I'll fill out the following shipping-related questions to it:
One True Pairing Ship:
Canon Ship:
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship:
"I dabble a little" Ship:
"It's like a car crash" Ship:
"Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet" Ship:
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" Ship:
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship:
"When all is said and done" Ship:
Yes, I'll even answer it for certain canons I've ranted about on a regular basis. Mainly Twilight and Eragon.