
Jun 22, 2005 09:17

the hippies at the tuesday night film forums are so weird ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

lil_hodge June 23 2005, 00:10:15 UTC
You honestly made me almost spit my smoothie all over the computer. Well Howard Zinn is one dead sexy man-beast-machine come to think of it. Ice-cream and then to bed.

Katie how are you?


stapler57 June 28 2005, 00:00:53 UTC
i am okay, its been a really crazy and stressful week, but it can only get better i guess.

how are you?


lil_hodge June 30 2005, 00:54:43 UTC
I suppose I'm hanging in there. I little to a- lot mixed up discouraged and confused in many ways. Some old things and some new. You know.

I got a watercolor class with Gary Grahm. I am quite excited as watercolor is beautiful and will be great for animation backgrounds (if I ever do that after all).

I won't lie, I miss you. Maybe I will see you if chance is good to me. Se ya.


lil_hodge June 30 2005, 00:56:56 UTC
Ah crazy and stressful. By the time you read this you will maybe be doing ok. I hope so. Don't let it bring you down at all.


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