I just got home and last night was excellent.
Minus the whole throwing of a football at a kids head which spilled coffee all over me and Joel and like a lot of other people just because people thought he was gay.
Wether or not he is people really need to grow up. It's none of your buisness and it's none of the worlds to know what you think so keep it to yourselves. I almost cried when all he could say was ' You're so nice'when I was helping clean it up and how much ignorance is so bliss at times. I know I walked up to Laurens brother and got in his face about it and shoved him around..I was ready to start throwing punches. When people act stupid and think they're better, I get involved.
I was so mad, I think one of the guys doing it asked if he was okay or something, but after that it stopped. THE GAUL he had to tell me not to ever shove hi again was's like throwing a punch to start a fight and tellng them not to do it. They're gonna do it anyway. I know that ball narly passed my head a few times and I was all ' What the fuck' and like, I was in church and I never slip like this, but it was so horrid.
The rest of the night was really excellent.
we played all these games and competitons...
I chugged a mountain dew and then won a whip-cream-pie eating contest ;D
Boo yah.
Then we played Underground church where you have all the lights in the church out and two people with flashlights and you go and hide and move around the different rooms to hide from the ' comps'a nd if they found you they would flash you with the light and you would go to jail...the pont was to get everyone in the same room bt the ministers coulnd't be both put in jail and etc.
You had to be really stealthy and quiet because you could be standing there and have them not know.
One time Lauren and I were under a table and Jared saw us and crawled right us to us and I started laughing...and he's like' areyou ready to go to jail' and I was all ' you're scaring me' and I was kidding but he laughed so much at that then I snorted and he was all ' You know what i'm just going to leave you here' so we didn't have to go to jail...
After that he was all ' who was the girl under the table who snorted? you be the cop' ;D Man oh mann good times. Ikept running into people an Iput Ann and Dustin in Jail 3 times. ;D It was all great fun and now I'm so tired becasue I fell asleep while thelion king was playing and now I feel icky and such.
I'm not sure what to do todday, I guess I'll sleep...I wish people would get on I could talk to =/