(no subject)

Sep 27, 2004 19:18

Piece O Rhys: What don't these third years not understand about the serpentine pattern of tea leaves!? I mean it is pretty obvious it means a certian doom involving a legless reptile.

baklava: Perhaps they don't like the idea of the "certain doom" part, and so attempt to repress said knowledge.

Piece O Rhys: Why should I repress? I mean, these kids need to know the truth. I am not about to lie to them.

baklava: I meant that the students attempt to repress that knowledge from their own minds. I should have been clearer; but it is good that you value the "truth".

Piece O Rhys: They cannot deny the inevitable, Chrys. I mean some people are just doomed. It is in the stars.

baklava: Mm. Humans have a tendency to deny the inevitable.
I prefer to think of it as being in the numbers.

Piece O Rhys: Well, the stars, more likely. Did you see Mercury this morning?

baklava: No, I'm afraid I missed it. What did it say?

Piece O Rhys: Well, Mercury aligned with Jupiter. The smallest and the biggest met. There is obviously going to be an uproar from students against faculty.

baklava: ...ah hah.

Piece O Rhys: So, I am just warning you.

baklava: Mmm-hmm. I'll keep it in mind.

Piece O Rhys: So, anyways, what is going on with you?

Piece O Rhys: I mean, I know what will but what is?

baklava: ...not much. Students are behaving themselves at the moment and Sybill has not predicted any misfortune for me lately.

Piece O Rhys: I will need to ask Professor Lauder what he believes is coming. I have a feeling it is something big.

baklava: Mmm.

Piece O Rhys: ...versus something small. Who knows, maybe it is the house elves, I will have to talk to Sybill about it.

baklava: House elves do get rather...off...on occasion.

Piece O Rhys: Yes, they do.

Piece O Rhys: Well, I have to finish grading these. I will see you tomorrow, bright and early for breakfast.

baklava: See you.
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