"If I was going to massacre a town, that'd be my first step." Oh Dean. He even sounds like he's thought about doing it, too - maybe one of those creepy Stepford towns? *le shudder*
GOD Dude's brother makes me want to beat the shit out of him, just on principle, the smug little bastard. That stupid little smirk and 'Did I?' and *grumbles* His dad's such a better liar, and that's not really saying much. The urge to smack/maim just gets stronger when Dean says they'll get back to them later and that *gestures* article just starts smirking all the brighter.
Also, dude. Our boys are not subtle at ALL. I mean, they stand in front of the house for a moment, even though the two creeps could be watching through the damned window, then sneak none-too-stealthily around the side of the house. Bless their little hearts.
Why is it that it was the son's blood that was used to infect Wifey rather than the husband? Why not let it be Husband instead? Or is it just to up the tension more? *ponders*
Also, another mark on the unsubtle thing - Dean, honey? Pulling a corpse out of your trunk on a main street of a flyspeck town? Not the brightest idea, even if it's 'wrapped' in a blanket/rug/whatever the hell that was.
That Pam chick, the doctor's assistant? Pisses me off with her 'I don't believe it' bullocks. I mean, come on now, the woman's clearly in shock, been attacked, and is having to tell someone that her family attacked her. Why would she make this shit up? /crank
Heheheheheh Shriner convention of demons.
Sidewinder. Snakes. How very fitting. *suddenly has 'mothafuckin' snakes on the mothafuckin' plane' in head*
Mmmm listen to her purr. Though, hallo thar creepy pedestrians staring fixedly at Dean and the Metallicar.
LMAO OH SHOW. The car with all the blood in it? Its license plate says WTF 4C7. That amuses me waaaaay too much XD
LOVE the fog bits - verrah creepy.
Oh, DEAN. WHY do you have to pick up the damned 'murder' weapon? Hello, fingerprints? He's lucky he's so pretty in this ep.
Heh Sam's thinkyface "Sulfer?" LOVE.
Grrrrr smug little bastard boy with his little shotgun.
Heh. To skeezy guy wanting Dean to get out of the car 'to talk a little' (code for have a Deliverance moment, for those of you not in the know): Well you are a handsome devil (LIES), but I don't swing that way, sorry. This is because you only swing your brother's way, Dean.
RUN FORREST RUUUN. *coughs* Or, rather, DRIVE.
... I like Sam's little yell of surprise when Wifey flings him across the room a little too much. What does that say about me? o.o
And of course as soon as Dean turns back to look over his shoulder, some crazy man with a rifle hops in front of the car and starts hollerin' at him. However, Sarge is made of awesome and win, so that's perfectly fine. LOVE the 'Are you one of them?' 'No are you?' 'You could be lying' 'So could you' bit. *amused*
'You've got a neighbor named Mr. Rogers?' 'Not any more.' \o/ Dean's expression right after that... :)
Sarge looks so surprised when Dean starts to get into the car, like 'Hey, wait, we're arguing! Don't take my fun away!'
'Well this ought to be a relaxing drive' *snickers* Ya think?
God, Pam's posture SUCKS, all hunched over like that - she's gonna wind up with a hunchback before she's forty. /massage therapist voice
Also, where the hell're all the brunettes in this episode?
LOVE Sam's relieved little huff of air when he hears the Impala coming to the front of the office. He just relaxes when he knows Big Brother's near *smishes*
I just want to tug Sam's bangs to cover that massive forehead. I don't know WHY it bothers me so much, but seriously. *gestures*
Ohay, actually, none of 'em have excellent posture when walking. Sam hunches, Dean holds his head forward a little (though Sam does it more)... though Sarge does it too, but with better posture. *eyes 'em*
Do not like Sam's squinty nose when they're about to put wifey down. It disturbs me o.o;;;
Mmmmm boys with knives and guns, rowr.
Idiot girl dropping the blood. *eyerolly*
Heeeeeeee 'So unless you've got some explosives...' 'We could make some.' Chemistry geek!boys FTW.
Should have killed dude, seriously. Who knows how it would've changed.
LOVE that Dean just flings Sam around him then calmly walks away. Rowr strong!boys.
Mmmmmm 'splosives. So much yaye.
Grrrr bitch. SO NOT SUBTLE. Well, I thought that she was going to maul him in a sexual manner, first time I saw it...
Sammy looks so lost and miserable when Sarge pulls Dean's arm back *wibbles*
*Dean pitches his keys to Sarge* DEEEEEEEEEN
God the man is gorgeous when he's tired and worn and just... *gestures* Trying to make it more lighthearted -
"You can keep going" "Who says I want to?" *flails and is broken*
See, now, I think that had Doc not come by there might've been a chance for a brotherly hug.
Though, it makes one wonder where the hell the infected've vanished off to.
Also, immunity to the virus through Super Sekrit YED thing from AHBL p2? *thinks thinkythoughtily*
"I swear I'm going to lose sleep over this." No friggin' kidding.
"I gotta make a call." Hell of a way to make said call X.x
Immune as expected - has to do with Sekrit YED thing? Were they not sure that it stuck?
"What if I don't?" "Then I guess I'll have to keep asking until you do." Dude, their accents were starting to thicken up a bit (HAHA YER ROOTS ARE SHOWING)
Dude, y'all don't WANT to bang Lindsay Lohan. (though it amuses me that Dean says WE can try)
... I remember the end of this episode drove be batshit crazy when I watched it for the first time. 'Dean, what did he tell you?' cue spooky music and fade to black. *ponders*
Dude, this wound up being longer than expected o.o