(no subject)

Jul 03, 2004 15:13


What time is it?:about 5:41
What is the date?: July 3 2004
Why are you filling this out?: cuz im really bored

-*-*YoU yOu YoU*-*-
Full name: Natalie Cary Maura
Do you like it?: it's w/e
Nicknames: Naty, Skittles, Midgit, Rainbow and poptart
If you could change your first name: Morgan I love that name <3
Middle name?nigga!
Age: 14
DOB: Augest 14 1989
Height: 5"0
Hair color: black with blonde in it
Eye color: light brown
Where do you live?: Miami, Fl
Do u like it? No but w/e I have what makes me happy here so i dont mind
Why/Why not: it sucks...you have to be 18 or older to do everything here
Where were you born?: in the hospital
Astrological sign: leo
Shoe Size: 7
Grade: going to 10 this Augest :)
School: G Braddock Hlomes Senior high
GPA: :: shrugs ::

Parents names: Nancy and George
Do you have any siblings?: yes
If so, what are their names and ages?: Lazaro
Are your parents divorced/remarried/single?: Divorced
Pets: Nope my bird just died :'(
Names:i named it Star <3 R.I.P
Do you like your family?: no
Favorite relative: HEILDA<3

Number: 19
Color: orange
Car: dosent matter
season: summer
holiday: Any day that I get a gift :)
Month: Augest
Day of the week: Friday
Grade so far: 8th
Sport: Sitting and typeing! it's a sport my fingers are getting an work out :D
Class: shit none I hate school
Teacher so far: none they all suck
Drink: sprite
Candy: Red Jelly beans :D *cherry yum :)*
Food:um ew.. um Pizza?
Fruit: um..strawberrys!
Veggie: ew
Dessert: ew
TV show: Simple life 2 and method and red
Radio station: 1007,96.5 or 99.1
Movie: White chicks!!!
Actor: Wayne brothers there fuckign halrious
Actress: Luscial Ball <3 R.I.P
Song: way too many to chose from
Word: Wennie!!!
Phrase: :: shrugs ::
Animal: Kittys!!!
Flower: Roses?
Clothing store: any prep store that says sale I always find something good and cheap :D
Article of clothing: my KmK shirt <3
Underwear: My star ones :D
States (that you've been to): Jersey
Breakfast food: pancakes

-*-*ThIs Or ThAt*-*-
Me/You: you
CD/Cassette: CD
DVD/VCR: both
Radio/CD: both
Jeans/Khakis: jeans
Jacket/Coat: coat
Leather/Pleather: pleather
Sparkles/Bronze: sparkles
Car/Truck: car
Civic/Acura: Civic
Corvette/Camero: corvette!
Strong/Weak: Strong
Upset/Pissed: upset
Tall/Short: short
Lunch/Dinner: dinner
Abercrombie/Hollister: Hollister
Gap/Old Navy: ew
Nsync/BSB: :: loads gun ::
Britney/Christina: thier both whores..
Love/Lust: Love
Gone In 60 Seconds/The Fast and the Furious: the fast and the furious
Inside/Outside: Inside
Lipstick/Lipgloss: lipgloss
Silver/Gold: silver
Piercings/Tattoos: both
Football/Basketball: hah none
Thunder/Lightning: both they amuse me :)
This/That: That

If you could take back one thing you did, what would it be and why?: A few things i just don't wanna remeber ::sigh::
You have any regrets?: yeah
Last thing you said: FOOD!
song you heard: TBS- Timberwolves in New Jersey
Last person you talked to: Evette

What are you doing right now?: Filling this out
What cd is in your cd player?: I dont remeber...
you cold?: nope
How are you sitting?: legs crosed
Is there music on?: nope
If so, what song is it?: ....
What time is it?: 3:00
Where are your parents?: Mommy talking on the cell and um my dad dosent live with me o.O

How old will you be when you graduate high school?: 17 but by the looks of it maybe 19...
Are you going to get married?: Maybe
Although you cant tell who you'll marry, is there anyone you'd wish it would be?: yep
If so, who?: Jonathan duh!
Are you going to have children?: yeah
If yes, how many?: 1 and i'll adopt a second one...
What will you name them?: Amber or Morgan if it's a guy Xavier
Do you want to go to college?: not really
Which college: Something for back messages since everyone says I own at them but that's my back up my first choice is Rainbow Cosmotoligy
What kind of car will you want to drive: dont care
What kind of job will you have: Hair stylest or a massager thingy

-*-*HaVe YoU eVeR*-*-
Drank: yeah
Smoked: yeah
Skinny Dipped: when i was liek 10...
Prank called the police: nah
Been followed, ect by the police: yeah
Been high: yeah
Done drugs: yeah
If so, what?: crack...dont do it you look stupid when your on it...
Stole: pffft hell yeah
Met someone off the net: yep
Been in a fist fight: yep
Punched your sibling: HELL YEAH!
Wished you'd die: yeah
Tried to commit suicide: yeah
Broken a bone: nope
Driven illegally: yeah
Thrown things at your parents: yeah
Runaway: nah but i sneakc out?
Filled out a survey this long: yep

Do you right in cursive or print?: print
Are you a lefty, righty, or ambidextrious: righty
Do you believe in God?: no
Whats your religion?: :: shrugs ::
What do you think of rainbows?: I lvoe them <3
you have any piercings/tattoos?: my ears and im gonna get my belly soon just for the shits a giggles there fun to play with when your bored...
Where?: just said it
If not, do you want any, where?: yeah eyebrow and lip
Is Tupac Shakur really dead?: yes you reject...
What do you think of Britney and Justin?: Justine fucked her and left her and now she whines....that's my veiw of it...
If you could live anywhere else, where would you live?: Jersey
Do you drive?: nope
Do you have braces or glasses?: glasses
Like milk and cookies?: ew no
Ever worn black nail polish?: yep
If your a guy, have you ever painted your nails?:
Girls, what color nail polish do you have on?: none

i you could have a 6th sense, what would it be?: seeing how people really feel
If you have a magical power, what would it be and why would you want it?: teleportation So I can get to a place and bakc and i dont need to worry about ride or gas money or my mom bitchy saying no :)
If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?: hmm...probly make someone I hate a horrible day liek give her weggies put gum on their chair and hair! cut there hair...stuff them in there locker...throw books at them and draw on there face :D
Do you do things even when your parents say no?: always :D
What is your favorite song to "rock out" to?: Kittie-Charlotte
Ever taken anything from a hotel?: pffft those niggas always get their towels soap and creams jacked from me :D
Did you talk to your crush/bf/gf today?: yep
If so, for how long?: A few minz...
If not, why not?:
Do you think this is stupidly long?: nope,im amused
Did you like it?: yes
Why/Why not: it amused me...

What time is it?: 3:12
What is the date?: July 3 2004
Why did you just do this?: boredom...
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