I'm Back From Nowhere

Apr 15, 2005 06:58

I know, I know! It's probably been at least a month since my last entry. I just didn't feel like writing in that time. Though I've been writing plenty in my regular journal. About a page a day. I know that doesn't sound like much. But my regular journal is pretty big and my writing is rather small compared to most people.

I got my acceptance letter for camp last Sabbath. I'm so happy! Now I can get to work on writing Sabbath notes. I figure if I start now, write one every two to three days or so, I'll have them all done by camp time. I'm starting them now because they will take a lot of time to complete. And I'm not about to rush through another camp and sit up real late trying to finish them on Friday night before camp. This gives me time to relax and make them good. I want them to be rather long. Short letter size in fact. Since I'm writing them here, I can use all my different types of stationary for it. Each will have a different short poem in it about camp. I'm giving up on the riddles since nobody seems to really care about them. Only one or two people really feel like finding out what the answer was.

I was thinking of actually making them into scrolls like last year. But I'm going to sacrifice most of a stick of sealing wax this year to add an extra touch to them. And I'm afraid scroll style might break the wax before the recipient can open their note. So instead, I'm going to put them in real envelopes and use the seal on the envelope. I know it seems like it would be expensive. But I can get 150 envelopes for a dollar at the dollar store. I bought a bunch last year in July I think and I'm still working on them. But I'll run out before too much longer.

For some reason, I'm interested in Ken's Labyrinth again. It's been forever since I played it. But I'm suddenly good at it. Hmmm! How do you figure that? Maybe it's because I've played a lot of Duke 3D and Tomb Raider?

I guess I'm gonna go now. I've got a lot of things to do today. Plus, I need to get the house ready for Sabbath.

Have a great day everybody! Kisses And Hugs To You All!
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