Title: Drabble-Batch #01 (1-10)
Pairing: Shibutani Subaru x Yasuda Shota
Rating: G to PG-13
Genre: Fluff, Angst, AU, a bit of everything
Wordcount: 100 words each
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Synopsis: Because everyone (especially my english-teacher D:) tells me to condense, I decided to give it a try. I've planned to write 30 of these, here are the first ten.
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Comments 7
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And I really feel flattered that you think of my style of writing as "sparkling" <3 sounds awesome.
the next part of the batch will follow as soon as I find some time to write the next 4-5.
I used the drabbles to try and find out whether I manage to write really short stories, because my english teacher always complains that I write too much.
But normally, I don't like to have a limit to my writing, so my next stories will be much longer.
In fact, I've already finished a new AU story with ~6000 words but I want it to be beta-ed first D:
so prepare to read a lot of.. longer stories by me :3
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it makes me always happy to read that someone likes my writing.
I'm looking forward to your next ones 8D
The next batch is almost finished, so I hope you'll like the next ten drabbles, too.
Last dance was sexy, I loved that too!! >3<
And Strawberries & Watermelon were both really cute. I love their fights over fruits <333
I think the strawberry-fight-thingy is one of the most epic yasuba-related things ever >D
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