May 26, 2004 16:48
heres a post, for you guys to comment on, while we all seem to be in the commenting mood. you can comment anonymously.
post a thought, any thought- politics, religion, statements, self, news, weather, secrets, a thought no one understands. post it.
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Comments 19
why is it that once u tell someone that u REALLY hate them they don't leave u alone.. i meann would you want to hang around someone that hates u...well i hate a certain someone(im not going to say names because i don't want to start anything) and everytime i see this certain someone it makes me want to throw up...they drove one of my closest friends in school away from my lunch table and now i wanna leave because i can't take it....just please tell me if u think it is alright for this person to keep bugging me even when it makes me sick to see them...thank you
<3 i loveyou samantha
mary zanfardino
it is certainly not alright to hang around somone who you certianly do not like. This is you, and your will, and with that come specific obligations only you can chose for yourself, such as a problem with a friend. If its bothering you a lot, then i'd really stop hanginag aroudn him. maybe its controversial if you didn't talk about it with that person, but you did, you told them the truth about how you feel, and if they were worth any time, they would have listened and respected your thoughts.
thank you dr phill it helps and i supose that is my friend gregory im undecided though
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i make a gay dr.phil
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