Make a soundtrack for your life, matchins songs with the following;
Opening Song: this is me- rocket summer
Waking Up: woke up in a car- soco
First Date: ever so sweet- early november
First Kiss: hands down- dash
Falling in Love: am i wrong?- brand new
Seeing an Old Love: it's for the best- straylight run
Heartbrake: come back- early november
Getting Ready to Go Out: i'm just a girl- no doubt
Partying with Friends: rap ;)
Dancing at a Club: missy elliot, so i can have a dance off biotch lol.
Flirting: sic transit gloria...glory fades- brand new
Feeling Sexy: my heart is the worst kind of weapon- fall out boy
Waling Alone in the Rain: insencerity as an artform- further seems forever
Missing Somone: 2000 miles- mest
Playing in the Ocean: runaway- soco
Summer Vacation: long way down- guster
Fighting with Somone: if they move...kill them- fairweather
Acting Goofy with Friends: spice girls
Thinking Back: autographs and apologies- motion city
Feeling Depressed: this time is the last time- mae
Falling Alseep: i don't sleep, i dream- rem
Closing Song: closing time- supersonic